Myself and Ghamzeh headed down to Soho vegan mar­ket to try The Nooch.

Upon arrival you are greeted with the deli­cious smells of the grilled vegan meats and car­a­mel­ised onions. The images of the bur­gers and hot­dogs they have on dis­play make your mouth water instantly. It is so hard to choose what you would want as they all look great.

The choices on the menu where:

mov­ing moun­tain bur­ger – grilled onions, cheeze, gher­kins, tomato, rock­et, bri­oche bun and sir­acha mayo  £7.50

clas­sic jumbo vegan brat­wurst – grilled onion, sauerkraut, spring onion, crispy nachos, crispy onions, ketch­up and mus­tard (jalapeños option­al)  £7.50

valoumi bur­ger – red onion, grilled pep­pers, tomato, rock­et, bri­oche bun and homemade tzatziki sauce  £7.50

jumbo vegan curry­wurst – grilled pep­pers, crispy nachos, crispy onions, ger­man curry sauce  £7.50

So as you can see it is a hard choice they all look and sound great. We was kindly gif­ted the the clas­sic vegan jumbo brat­wurst and the valoumi burger.


This is everything vegan hot dog dreams are made of, OMG I am drib­bling now just remin­is­cing the thing. The combo is geni­us. Abso­lute geni­us. The qual­ity of the vegan hot dog is so good, very meaty and reminds me of a real hot dog, chunky and even has the bite that the out-cas­ing of a nor­mal hot­dog would have with a very juicy fla­vour­some centre. I also loved the fact it is grilled it adds the char­grilled fla­vour. There is so many levels to this, which made it such an exper­i­ence, this isn’t no ordin­ary hot dog y’all. They even added cheeze on to our hot dog which really made this pop as the cheeze melted beau­ti­fully over the hot­dog, giv­ing it a creamy, sticky and cheesy fla­vour that worked in har­mony with the oth­er top­pings. The char­grilled onions are burned per­fectly giv­ing them a crunch and car­a­mel fla­vour, you also get crispy onions placed on top which give it more fla­vour and tex­ture, the broken nachos adds more crunch and the salt fla­vour enhances the oth­er fla­vours, the sauerkraut is such a touch! mades this whole exper­i­ence spe­cial, the salty, pickled, juicy and fer­men­ted crisp of the cab­bage brings this hot dog to life and the plus is sauerkraut is good for diges­tion and gut health ? The sauce, spring onions and jalapeños fin­ish it off per­fectly, as i love a kick the mus­tard deliv­ers and the jalapeños gives it the hot spicy edge I love. This is a must buy!! you can change or add to it to carter to your taste buds but what I had fully hit the spot and I am excited and look­ing for­ward to try­ing this again.


Where can I even start with this one, again com­pletely blew our minds, I haven’t tried valoumi before, so this really was an exper­i­ence, the fla­vour and tex­ture is so well made and even has the salt­i­ness that real hal­loumi has. The bur­ger works with the fillings, the sweet­ness of the grilled pep­pers bal­ances the salt­i­ness from the valoumi, the red onion gives it a crunch and the tomato brings a fresh­ness to the bite, the rock­et gives it a slight pep­pery kick and the deli­cious homemade tzatziki sauce brings a creamy mel­low fla­vour that is bind­ed togeth­er per­fectly with the deli­cious sweet, spongey and airy bun. This is a bur­ger exper­i­ence I really enjoyed and was unique. A defo must try esp for pre­vi­ous hal­loumi lovers.

Both these bur­gers took me on a jour­ney, I really haven’t had any­thing that reminded me so much of a real hot dog exper­i­ence and hal­loumi replace­ment, it really works for me and I usu­ally don’t like mock meats, but in terms of liv­ing with part­ner that is trans­ition­ing and does love the tex­ture and fla­vour of meat, I could give him this and he wouldn’t ques­tion it was vegan. Per­son­ally for me both com­bos were deli­cious and to my taste. I am really happy to have dis­covered the nooch and will be going back for sure.

At the moment they can be found in mar­kets and events, but they are open­ing a store soon which is such excit­ing news and I will be look­ing for­ward to going down there when they do. Great food, great qual­ity and amaz­ing cus­tom­er ser­vice. Make sure you check them out I fully recommend.
Check out our vlog below!


on ins­tagram fol­low @thenooch.uk

peace and love

Z xx

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Hello, My name is Azita Edwards I am a moth­er to two beau­ti­ful amaz­ing girls Sienna 6, Maya 7 and a won­der­ful step son Aaron 14. my whole world changed from the moment my old­est was born, I became a mummy! I will be shar­ing my art­icles from my blog to share a little piece of my world with you, tips, recipes, arts, books, days out etc Wel­come to our world!

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About Azita Edwards

Hello, My name is Azita Edwards I am a mother to two beautiful amazing girls Sienna 6, Maya 7 and a wonderful step son Aaron 14. my whole world changed from the moment my oldest was born, I became a mummy! I will be sharing my articles from my blog to share a little piece of my world with you, tips, recipes, arts, books, days out etc Welcome to our world!