We were kindly invited down to Big Moe’s Diner in Algate for the Green Menu launch. I have nev­er been to Big Moe’s Diner before and upon arrival was very impressed by the décor and 50’s vibe it had going on, really fun, right in the middle of the res­taur­ant there was a red car from the 50s with a table in the middle to sit and eat, a juke­box with old-style songs and the whole theme is con­sist­ent throughout.

When we went upstairs where the launch was being held they had such a lovely set up we had a space to take pho­tos and lots of great bal­loons and dec­or­a­tions. They also had a vegan smooth­ie bar set up with a selec­tion of cut fruits and juices/nut milk to mix and match mak­ing your own style smooth­ie of your choice. We had to get involved with that so Aaron, Sienna, Maya and myself made our own smoothies

The menu looked fant­ast­ic so much great options for vegan and vegetarians.

here is what we had off the menu:


These were so good I loved it, com­pletely what you want nachos to be. warm toasted tor­til­las, tangy and creamy sauces from the salsa, sour cream and guacamole mix, beau­ti­ful vegan cheesy melt, hot pickled hit from the jalapenos and a fresh crunch from the chopped red onions. These are per­fect to share and some­thing I would defo order again.


All I can say is wow, loved these, I’ve only had onion rings plainly before the cajun spicy really makes it pop and com­pli­ments the bite so well, as onion rings go these are a great size and crunch. We got through those really quick, what is so funny is that Aaron doesn’t even like onions, he hates them but sur­pris­ingly for both of us, he loved these.


This was defi­antly an exper­i­ence to remem­ber, we both had nev­er tried mov­ing moun­tain patty before and what a great intro­duc­tion this was. This is such a clas­sic bur­ger but so real­ist­ic to the actu­al meat patty taste and tex­ture, even to the look it can fool any­one, we had to double take is this really vegan? so juicy, full of fla­vour which leaves you sat­is­fied with every bite. So simple but executed so well with class and qual­ity. This was one of the high­lights of our day. We got a plain fries side with that one which is a great addition.


On the menu this is veget­ari­an as the pickles are deep-fried we asked for the vegan options that come with just plain pickled instead of the fried ones. I had nev­er had a pulled jack­fruit bur­ger and this was anoth­er great intro­duc­tion, each bite was so full of fla­vour and great tex­ture combo got the sweet tangy saucy bbq jack­fruit with the fresh lettuce and onion crunch, a little pickle explo­sion bed­ded in a fluffy soft sweet bun. We upgraded to the sweet potato side with it and it worked very nicely together.


Anoth­er great bur­ger by Big Moe’s those chick­en nug­gets really give it a breaded meaty feel, with the juicy burst from the grilled pine­apple bal­an­cing with the sauce and cheese so well, this is a per­fect combo. so more­ish and easy to eat. We got a side of cheesy vegan fries with this bur­ger and they worked well togeth­er, the cheese melted bet­ter than oth­er vegan brand’s I have tried in the past and works well on these more­ish fries.


I wanted a salad but both the salads on the menu are veget­ari­an because of the hal­loumi and sauces so I kindly was offered without which would make it vegan.


I was really glad to see they had a vegan kids option which is the vegan nug­gets my girls loved these and were happy with them.


wow what can I say about these oth­er then it is the best lem­on­ade I have ever tasted so fresh and deli­cious. I had the rasp­berry one and Aaron tried the straw­berry one. The rim of the glass was coated in sug­ar which gave the cit­rus sweet­ness, and the rasp­berry worked well in the lem­on­ade, so refresh­ing and burst­ing with flavour.


This was such a lovely way to fin­ish up such a lovely Big Moe’s Diner exper­i­ence, so chocol­ately and smooth, the chocol­ate sauce and rasp­berry powder make the fla­vours pop and the lem­on ice cream worked so well with it.


This cheese­cake was so deli­cious I still can’t believe it was vegan so creamy and rich in fla­vour reminded me of the real thing, and com­pli­men­ted so well with the lem­on ice cream.


Here is video of our Big Moe’s Diner review and experience:

Com­pletely loved the exper­i­ence, didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did as I haven’t had great diner exper­i­ences in the past but Big Moe’s Diner has com­pletely con­ver­ted me and  I will be back for sure. From the dec­or­a­tion, energy and vibe it is on point, you almost feel like you have time-warped into the ’50s. The staff are so friendly and help­ful which really adds to the over­all exper­i­ence. This is the per­fect place to go cater­ing to so many dif­fer­ent diets and giv­ing some good qual­ity vegan options that don’t leave you feel­ing left out. Over­all very happy and would highly recommend.

Check them out here! http://bigmoesdiner.co.uk/


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Hello, My name is Azita Edwards I am a moth­er to two beau­ti­ful amaz­ing girls Sienna 6, Maya 7 and a won­der­ful step son Aaron 14. my whole world changed from the moment my old­est was born, I became a mummy! I will be shar­ing my art­icles from my blog to share a little piece of my world with you, tips, recipes, arts, books, days out etc Wel­come to our world!

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About Azita Edwards

Hello, My name is Azita Edwards I am a mother to two beautiful amazing girls Sienna 6, Maya 7 and a wonderful step son Aaron 14. my whole world changed from the moment my oldest was born, I became a mummy! I will be sharing my articles from my blog to share a little piece of my world with you, tips, recipes, arts, books, days out etc Welcome to our world!