FILM | ‘A WAY OF LIFE’ (@awayoflifefilm) PREMIER SCREENING (@RitzyCinema)


‘A Way Of Life’ Premi­er Screen­ing At The Ritzy Theatre 22nd March 

Fol­lowed By An Exclus­ive Q & A Hos­ted By Mys­Diggi  With Spe­cial Guests Big Narstie, Skinny­man & Rod­ney P.

‘Industry Num­ber 1’ Hip-Hop col­lect­ive Screen ‘A Way Of Life’ a jour­ney though the world of glob­al Hip-Hop.

We a proud to announce are upcom­ing screen­ing at The Ritzy Theatre Brix­ton fol­lowed by a Q & A hos­ted by Mys­Diggi with guests Skinny­man, Rod­ney P & Big Narstie. 

The highly anti­cip­ated fea­ture length doc­u­ment­ary shot over a span of three years in 24 loc­a­tions across the globe has been com­pleted. The film cov­ers the expan­sion of the most sig­ni­fic­ant music­al move­ment of mod­ern times in full cine­mat­ic experience.

The dream child of Dir­ect­or and Screen­writer Shibe Alaw­i­ye & Andre Hop­kin has been 5 years in the mak­ing and we are proud to announce its forth­com­ing premi­er screen­ing in the his­tor­ic­al Ritzy Theatre Brix­ton this March. Pro­duced and shot in its entirety by the duo, each inter­view was metic­u­lously organ­ised from home base in Lon­don before trav­el­ing to the loc­a­tions around the globe.

Buy Tick­ets Here:‑way-of-life-premier-screeningtickets-42173220237

The film takes you on a jour­ney through Hip-Hop’s cul­tur­al pro­gres­sion, from an under­ground sub­cul­ture of the New York “Bronx” to some of its present day forms such as Ghanai­an Hip Life and UK Grime.

Inter­views include up and com­ing as well as estab­lished artists such as KRS One (USA), Skinny­man (UK), Jeru The Dam­aja (USA),Marcelo D2 (Brazil), Lord Fin­esse (USA) & Big Narstie (UK) illus­trat­ing their tal­ent, back­ground & the socio- cul­tur­al envir­on­ments that influ­ence their music.

“Hip hop is a basic atti­tude against oppres­sion, the atti­tude that my voice isn’t being heard, and I’m going make my voice heard no mat­ter what, that goes across all races of people, all cul­tures” — KRS-One (USA)

“My heart, los­ing my son back in the USA, made me want to teach these kids in Cam­bod­ia break­dan­cing” — Tuy Sobil aka KK (Cam­bod­ia)

A Way Of Life’ gives prom­in­ence to a cul­ture that has gone bey­ond music, provid­ing an access­ible plat­form of expres­sion for mil­lions of people across the globe.

Coun­tries Fea­tured Aus­tralia / Brazil / Cam­bod­ia / Canada / Chile / Cuba / Den­mark / France / Ger­many / Ghana / Greece / India / Israel / Japan / Malay­sia / Neth­er­lands / New Zea­l­and / Nor­way / Poland / Spain / Switzer­land / UK / USA 

Fea­tured Artists Big Narstie / Skinny­man / Dead Prez (M1) / Krs One / Rev­er­ie / Gavlyn / Mar­celo D2 / Home­boy Sand­man / Onyx / Joe Flizzow / Sona One / Brain­power / Shy Rock (Maikal X) / Felix De Luca (Verb Ink) / Emi­cida / Tommy Tee / Don Mar­tin / Steffe La Cheffe / Rod­ney P / The Nar­cicyst & many more …

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.