Anger is gen­er­ally said to be a state of mind, but this may erupt due to sev­er­al under­ly­ing reas­ons like raised stress levels, depres­sion, wrecked career, or anxi­ety in hip-hop artists. Anger is dan­ger­ous at times as it is a basic emo­tion that may have a pro­act­ive response to vari­ous situations. 

This can also be a fight response for sur­viv­al. For most of us anger is a short-term state of mind and post an out­burst we can con­tin­ue with our lives nor­mally like everything was good and normal. 

The situ­ation may not be the same for oth­ers, espe­cially for those suf­fer­ing from anxi­ety. In some cases, anger may over­take an individual’s abil­ity to think ration­ally and may lead to uncon­trol­lably dam­aging actions. Hence it is very neces­sary that anger is always kept under control.

CBD is said to be an effect­ive rem­edy against anger man­age­ment and before under­stand­ing its effects, let us under­stand why anger issues occur.

What Causes Anger to Turn into a Disorder

Anger dis­orders dif­fer in bru­tal­ity, but one can eas­ily recog­nize when anger issues turn prob­lem­at­ic espe­cially because of obvi­ous beha­vi­or­al variations. 

If the incid­ences and sever­ity of rage vari­ates and starts to inter­fere with rela­tions, routine at work, cause recur­rent trouble with the author­it­ies, and men­tal health prob­lems start emer­ging, then it can be meas­ured as a disorder.

Sev­er­al reas­ons can lead to these vari­ations arising from fin­an­cial prob­lems, stress, incite­ment from a con­tinu­ous source and even long-last­ing pain.

Apart from the extern­al factors that cause anger, doc­tors also look for chem­ic­al dis­par­it­ies. The brain com­prises three CAs (cat­echolam­ines) that are neur­o­trans­mit­ters that reg­u­late the work­ings of the nervous sys­tem like emo­tions, reas­on­ing, think­ing, etc. These CAs are com­par­able yet each one has spe­cif­ic func­tions and a sur­plus or lack in epi­neph­rine, dopam­ine, and nore­pineph­rine can cre­ate anger disorders.

  1. Dopamine

Dopam­ine reg­u­lates emo­tion­al replies and is vital for motor con­trol and emo­tion­al learn­ing. It con­trols cog­nit­ive work­ing and the obser­va­tion of change, while it aids in prob­lem solv­ing and compassion. 

Low levels of dopam­ine make it dif­fi­cult for an indi­vidu­al to think and con­cen­trate. On the oth­er hand, high levels lead to dif­fi­culty in pro­cessing inform­a­tion in the brain.

  1. Epinephrine

Epi­neph­rine is released in the body in response to excite­ment, nervous­ness, anxi­ety, and ten­sion and ini­ti­ates the “fight or flight” response in the body. 

It fur­ther reg­u­lates heart rate, sleep and oth­er meta­bol­ic func­tions. High levels of epi­neph­rine cause anxi­ety, hyper­activ­ity, and adren­al fatigue. Low levels of Epi­neph­rine can lead to depres­sion, con­tinu­ous adren­al stim­u­la­tion, lessened levels of the stress hor­mone- cortisol and dropped recov­ery rates from ailments.

  1. Norepinephrine

Nore­pineph­rine aids in focus and mood reg­u­la­tion while also enhan­cing memory and focus. Low levels of Nore­pineph­rine may cause mood­i­ness, anxi­ety and lack of con­cen­tra­tion, while high levels may res­ult in man­ic reac­tions like Bipolar Disorder.

In psy­cho­logy terms there is no doc­u­mented “anger dis­order” but it is known through man­ic epis­odes, Inter­mit­tent Explos­ive Dis­order and Bor­der­line Per­son­al­ity Disorder.

Anger Issues and Their Effects

Anger does not merely affect your mood or rela­tion­ships. It can also severely affect your health and can make you a house of vari­ous stress related dis­eases like high blood pres­sure, heart dis­eases, and a deteri­or­ated immune system. 

Men­tal health ill­ness caus­ing depres­sion and stress can also be a res­ult of anger and may lead to oth­er men­tal health issues like insom­nia. A mix­ture of symp­toms will cre­ate a lack of attent­ive­ness, prob­lems at work, and dif­fi­culties with relationships.

CBD and Anger Management

Can­nabis has been used for gen­er­a­tions for medi­cin­al pur­poses- as a pain-reliev­ing medi­cine, naus­ea redu­cer and even as sleep indu­cing medicine.

In the mid-1960s, research­ers dis­covered the first can­nabin­oid in the can­nabis plant. Ever since then the research on the bene­fits of this nat­ur­ally avail­able medi­cine is ongo­ing. The sci­ent­ists have so far iden­ti­fied more than 80 indi­vidu­al can­nabin­oids and are invest­ig­at­ing them for their pos­sible symp­tom-redu­cing and dis­ease-bat­tling abilities.

CBD is a phytocan­nabin­oid extrac­ted from the hemp vari­ety of the can­nabis plant and has proven effect­ive for indi­vidu­als with anxi­ety or mood swings. 

CBD calms the body and mind and does not have any hal­lu­cin­at­ory effects like Marijuana, but has anti­psychot­ic effects. There­fore it is advised to use CBD for bet­ter cop­ing with your anger issues and mood swings. 

There are vari­ous forms in which CBD is pro­duced today — vapes, pills, gum­mies, sprays, tinc­tures, oils, creams and many more. Every CBD product has its own bene­fits. How­ever, it is good to con­sult your doc­tor before start­ing to use any of these products.

Anger and The Endocannabinoid System

The endocan­nabin­oid sys­tem (ECS), revealed by sci­ent­ists in 1990, con­trols all the roles of the body. These com­prise how fast our meta­bol­ic sys­tem works, the absorp­tion of nutri­ents and send­ing out the cor­rect amounts of CAs required to con­trol anger and addi­tion­al emotions. 

The ECS also devel­ops its own can­nabin­oids, with one of them closely relat­ing to CDB.  When CBD is absorbed or taken in by the body, the ECS uses the CBD to adjust any chem­ic­al disparities. 

Two recent stud­ies dis­played how CBD poin­tedly lowered the stress levels in the mem­bers as well as improved their cog­nit­ive func­tions. Stress man­age­ment is what helps in con­trolling anger and CBD has been proven as an act­ive way to man­age stress levels.

CBD’s Effects on Chronic Pain

Prick­li­ness is often instig­ated by chron­ic pain. Dis­com­fort or pain in the body is con­trolled by the chem­ic­al known as anan­d­am­ide (AEA), often asso­ci­ated with THC. 

CBD aids in block­ing the enzymes that break down AEA, thereby, help­ing to extend its pain block­ing effects. CBD also helps to raise the amount of AEA in the body and helps indi­vidu­als who may be defi­cient in the chemical.

CBD Products For Anger Management

As per The Can­nabis Radar, CBD tinc­tures and CBD oils are the most suited products for anger man­age­ment as they have the quick­est act­ing time and are said to be highly effect­ive for prompt con­trol of an incid­ent where an out­burst is forthcoming. 

The reas­on being that they are rap­idly absorbed by the blood, par­tic­u­larly if taken sub­lin­gually by pla­cing under­neath the tongue. 

CBD cap­sules or pills have a slower absorb­ing time and are more apt for the long-term treat­ment of rage man­age­ment since they have long last­ing effects. Always favor high-qual­ity CBD products and if uncer­tain about dosage ask your doctor/physician.

Wrap Up

Anger man­age­ment can be prob­lem­at­ic to nor­mal­ize without help. Hand­ling the source of anger is neces­sary and addi­tion­ally a vis­it to your psy­cho­lo­gist will help you com­pre­hend where it’s sourcing from. 

How­ever, irre­spect­ive of wheth­er that source is intern­al or extern­al, select a CBD product from a trus­ted brand like CBdis­til­lery that best suits you to help with act­ive con­trol of your anger and over­come all the prob­lems that anger puts in the way of work and rela­tions. Use this coupon to get flat 25% off on CBD products. 



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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.