Also star­ring

Sharlto Copley, Pito­bash, Vip­in Sharma, Sik­andar Kher, Adithi Kalkunte & Sob­hita Dhulipala

Oscar® nom­in­ee Dev Patel (Lion, Slum­dog Mil­lion­aire) explodes in his tour-de-force fea­ture dir­ect­ing debut with a breath­tak­ing, bone-shat­ter­ing action thrill­er about one man’s epic quest for ven­geance against the exploit­at­ive and cor­rupt lead­ers who murdered his moth­er (Adithi Kalkunte; Hotel Mum­bai) and con­tin­ue to sys­tem­ic­ally vic­tim­ize the poor and powerless.

Inspired by the legend of Hanu­man, an icon embody­ing strength and cour­age, Mon­key Man stars Patel as Kid, an anonym­ous young man who, after the hor­rif­ic land-dis­pute mas­sacre of his child­hood vil­lage, was left orphaned on the streets of the fic­tion­al city of Yatana. Kid now makes a mea­ger liv­ing in an under­ground fight club where, night after night, wear­ing a gor­illa mask, he allows him­self to be beaten bloody by more pop­u­lar fight­ers for cash.

But when, after years of patience and con­tained rage, Kid dis­cov­ers a way to infilt­rate the enclave of the city’s sin­is­ter élite, his child­hood trauma boils over, and his scarred hands unleash an explos­ive cam­paign of right­eous revenge against the men who took everything from him.

Fea­tur­ing some of the most thrill­ing, shock­ing, and spec­tac­u­lar fight and chase scenes ever cap­tured on film, Mon­key Man is dir­ec­ted by Dev Patel from his story and his screen­play with Paul Angun­awela and John Collee (Mas­ter and Com­mand­er: The Far Side of the World).

The film’s impress­ive inter­na­tion­al cast includes Sharlto Copley (Dis­trict 9), Sob­hita Dhulip­ala (Made in Heav­en), Pito­bash (Mil­lion Dol­lar Arm), Vip­in Sharma (Hotel Mum­bai), Ash­wini Kalsekar (Ek Tha Hero), Sik­andar Kher (Aarya) and Makarand Desh­pande (RRR).

The film is pro­duced by Dev Patel, Jomon Thomas (Hotel Mum­bai, The Man Who Knew Infin­ity), Oscar® win­ner Jordan Peele (Nope, Get Out), Win Rosen­feld (Candy­man, Hunters series), Ian Cooper (Nope, Us), Basil Iwanyk (John Wick fran­chise, Sicario films), Erica Lee (John Wick fran­chise, Silent Night), Christine Haebler (Shut In, Bones of Crows) and Anjay Nag­pal (exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer of Bomb­shell, Greyhound).

Serving as exec­ut­ive pro­du­cers are Jonath­an Fuhr­man, Nat­a­lya Pavch­in­skya, Aaron L. Gil­bert, Andria Spring, Alis­on-Jane Roney and Steven Thibault.

Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures presents a Bron Stu­di­os pro­duc­tion, a Thun­der Road film, a Mon­key­paw pro­duc­tion, a Minor Realm/S’Ya Concept pro­duc­tion, in asso­ci­ation with WME Inde­pend­ent and Cre­at­ive Wealth Media.


Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pito­bash, Vip­in Sharma, Sik­andar Kher, Adithi Kalkunte

Dir­ec­ted By:

Dev Patel

Story By:

Dev Patel

Screen­play by:
Dev Patel, Paul Angun­awela and John Collee

Dev Patel, Jomon Thomas, Jordan Peele, Win Rosen­feld, Ian Cooper, Basil Iwanyk, Erica Lee, Christine Haebler, Anjay Nagpal

Exec­ut­ive Producers:
Jonath­an Fuhr­man, Nat­a­lya Pavch­in­skya, Aaron L. Gil­bert, Andria Spring, Alis­on Jane Roney, Steven Thibault


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Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South Lon­don based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He’s also an MMA and his­tory enthu­si­ast who tries to keep his love of animé under wraps.

About Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South London based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He's also an MMA and history enthusiast who tries to keep his love of anime under wraps.