Sa-Roc is argu­ably one of the most vibrant MCs in the world today. Her crisp artic­u­la­tion, fiery deliv­ery, and her elev­ated and insight­ful lyr­i­cism have often placed her with­in the same con­ver­sa­tion as some of Hip Hop’s most not­able artists. Once dubbed by Okay­play­er as “one of the most for­mid­able micro­phone mavens in the game,” and more recently her­al­ded by NPR as “a mod­ern day gri­ot whose aura radi­ates calm in a world of chaos,” she is an artist for a socially con­scious generation.

By her own admis­sion, Sa-Roc was pain­fully shy and reclus­ive as a youth. She was born three months pre­ma­ture and didn’t make a sound dur­ing the first four­teen months of her life. She grew up in South­east D.C. at the height of the crack era, with neigh­bor­hoods plagued by poverty and dis­af­fec­tion. These and many oth­er early exper­i­ences shaped her under­stand­ing of the world around her, deepened her emo­tion­al sens­it­iv­ity, and cemen­ted a social con­scious­ness that’s evid­ent through­out her music. Her early struggle to find a voice—both lit­er­ally and creatively—would also prove crit­ic­al in shap­ing her lyr­ic­al expression.

In 2018, she channeled much of her pain into a self-empower­ment anthem, “Forever”, which struck a chord and led to world­wide acclaim with an offi­cial music video that has amassed over 6 mil­lion views to date. The song set the stage for her 2020 mag­num opus, The Sharecropper’s Daugh­ter, the title of which pays homage to her father’s exper­i­ence grow­ing up share­crop­ping tobacco. The album was, in her own words, “a son­ic reflec­tion on the gen­er­a­tion­al inher­it­ance of the trau­mas and tri­umphs that shape our human­ity, and influ­ence the way we see the world.”

The Sharecropper’s Daugh­ter received wide­spread crit­ic­al acclaim, with many not­able out­lets singing its praises. Amer­ic­an Song­writer called the pro­ject “a mas­ter­piece of lin­guist­ic agil­ity and dex­ter­ity,” while All­HipHop called Sa-Roc “an anom­aly, a pro­ver­bi­al one-of-one in a vastly over­crowded Hip-Hop scene.” Sa-Roc was also invited to per­form on NPR’s world-renowned Tiny Desk series dur­ing their stretch of Cov­id-induced “Home” con­certs, lead­ing their own audi­ence to describe her mat­ter-of-factly as “the truth” and “the best lyr­i­cist in recent times.”

Fol­low­ing the crit­ic­al acclaim for The Sharecropper’s Daugh­ter, Sa-Roc returned with a deluxe edi­tion of the album in 2021. The new ver­sion fea­tured the addi­tion of six power­ful new songs includ­ing the sagely reaf­firm­ing “Wild Seeds”, the double entendre-riddled “Dusty Roads”, and the poignant closer “The Rebirth” – a tran­scend­ent col­lab­or­a­tion with the late legend MF DOOM – all rais­ing the bar once more for both the skills and the inten­tion she dis­plays in her lyricism.

Now, as Sa-Roc wraps up with record­ing her fol­low-up release, she stands ready to reach new heights. At a time when so many have been call­ing for social change, Sa-Roc is an MC whose energy and con­scious lyr­ics are poised to shake up the rap game and remind us all that Hip Hop was always about giv­ing a voice to the people.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.