MJ here with I Am Hip-Hop Magazine London! If you are not familiar with Chicago’s own Hip Hop Artist, Actor, Writer, and Motivational Speaker Precise, sit back and tune in…
MJ: I had the pleasure of interviewing you a few years back and since then there has been a tremendous amount of success and accomplishments in your career. All of which I’m eager to touch upon! But first tell everyone what it was like growing up in a Haitian household surrounded by music? Do you think your career path would have been different if music was not involved?
Precise: Growing up in a Haitian household was beautiful, traditional, and sometimes strict. Having music as an intricate backdrop in my life has definitely influenced my life. Being Haitian adds to this experience because of the rhythms, moods, and vibes. I think I would have always gravitated towards music because it’s my heartbeat.
MJ: Many artists also take on role of Engineer or Producer. However, you have evolved into a growing icon not only as artist but as Motivational Speaker, Actor, and Writer. Talk about those roles in your life. How do you find balance? Without balance a career in the music and entertainment industry can quickly crash.
Precise: I love to do all of those things. I guess his is why time does not factor in as a constraint. It does in a sense because I actually have a job now. However, as the doors continue to fly open and welcome opportunity the time continues to present itself. I’m grateful for this.
MJ: I’m also curious to know what keeps you grounded and humble. It almost appears to be a growing trend for artists or individuals in any spotlight to shine arrogance instead of gratitude.
Precise: Knowing that life is such a valuable gift keeps me focused and driven. The world is changing every day and the ability to be able to control one’s destiny is becoming more apparent. This trend you mention are the growing pains of a new sensibility. Change starts with yourself, however in order to really move the bar we have to move as a unit. The arrogance and desire to have the spotlight will dissipate once we start recognizing our power as one.
MJ: Let’ talk about your anthem “That Ol’ Boom Bap”! That track is receiving large amounts of momentum and buzz across the globe! Talk about the creation, the message, and what that track means to you personally.
Precise: DJ Tekwun from NY created “The Boom Bap Project” a few years ago. My manager Redell Drakeford linked us up and Tek sent me the track. When I heard it, it immediately put me in the mind of the essence of what this culture represents. Peace, love, unity, and having fun is what this is about. Rap music provides the rhythm and the kick drum and the snare make us move. They motivate us. It’s important to acknowledge our origins in a way that is unashamed and deliberate. “That Ol’ Boom Bap” is a reminder of where we come from an Ode to the culture in its past, present, and future.
MJ: Define Hip Hop for me…Define Hip Hop Culture for me…Why is it important for Precise to create music for longevity, music for the fans, and music that recognizes the foundation built by our fathering pioneers of Hip Hop?
Precise: I get asked that question a lot. I’m happy that this happens because I always want be to make the clear distinction that Hip-Hop is the culture and rap is one of the things unique to the culture. The way I walk, talk, and present myself is Hip Hop. Creating music that adds value and is essential to any true growth in our culture. Doing this will always honor those that have come before us.
MJ: I’m sure you can recall countless memories, but can you share one memorable and nostalgic moment in your career thus far that continues to impact?
Precise: There was one time when I went to an event called Pheature created by P1. I went to watch the acts perform and P1 asked if I would perform. I agreed. My song came on and I zoned out and by the time I was done I couldn’t remember what happened. The crowd was going crazy. It felt like I experienced some out of body experience. I loved that feeling. The ability to just become one with the music is amazing.
MJ: Briefly touch upon your experience at The Million Man March. I can only imagine it can be noted as a phenomenal, life changing experience.
Precise: The Million Man March is an important part of me truly growing into manhood. Minister Farrakhan was able to get one million black men to come together and discuss the state of our people and how we must take control of our lives and families. I learned about atonement and forgiving. Forgiving is the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves. It releases a burden from your heart and allows you to move forward. The March was truly life changing and I am so happy I went.
MJ: I want to take a moment for the fans, let’s give them a chance to get to know Precise! Who continues, and not just musically, to influence both your personal life and career? What are your favorite 3 genres of music? Give the fans three words to describe your stage presence. Where are some places you would like to tour?
Precise: Hmm three genres.… I really love all music, but if I had to be pinned down to three I would say rap, r&b, and jazz…My stage presence is arresting, electrifying, and deliberate…I would like to tour Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean.
MJ: Can you give us an inside peek on some upcoming projects you are working on?
Precise: I’m working on my latest project “Man of the Ages”. If you want a sample of what it’s going to sound like listen to my song “Speak Lifez”. I’m really approaching this from a very focused and driven perspective. I’m all about raising the vibration.
MJ: As we wrap up, is there anything else you want the world to know about Precise?
Precise: Precise loves his family and wants all of us to be free and pursue our dreams unencumbered.
MJ: I want to thank you again for the interview, and thank you for creating incredible music! Sky’s the limit for Precise, salute!
Management contact Redell Drakeford at takeaxshun@gmail.com

MJ Savino

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