Rufus John, award-win­ning Black Carib­bean-Cana­dian R&B/ Soul sing­er & song­writer is gear­ing up to release the single, Free­dom March­ing (Part I). The song will be avail­able for pre-order on Janu­ary 10th, 2022, and will be fea­tured on the 3‑song EP, The Free­dom March­ing Pro­ject, which is slated to be released on Feb­ru­ary 4th, 2022.  

In sup­port of the release of the EP, the pro­ject will also con­sist of; two offi­cial music videos, one in-stu­dio per­form­ance video, a Call-To-Action Com­mer­cial, a Behind the Scenes Doc­user­ies and a web­site that will fea­ture resources and inform­a­tion for those who are will­ing to watch, listen and learn to then #Join­TheM­arch. 

 The Free­dom March­ing Pro­ject foun­ded by John, was inspired by the thou­sands of people who had the cour­age to use their voice to take action by march­ing through streets all over the world shout­ing, “Black Lives Mat­ter!” in what is hailed as the most sig­ni­fic­ant civil rights move­ment of our gen­er­a­tion.  The goals of the Pro­ject are to use the cre­at­ive power of Art, Edu­ca­tion and Act­iv­ism to; hon­or the com­munity lead­ers who are fight­ing daily on the front­lines for equity, access, diversity, par­ti­cip­a­tion, and rights for BlackIndi­gen­ous, racial­ized com­munit­ies, to shed light on the lived exper­i­ences of Black, Indi­gen­ous & Racial­ized com­munit­ies and to provide resources and inform­a­tion to those who want to Stay Informed, Get Con­nec­ted and Take Action. 

 John’s own music tells life stor­ies of his past. A cer­ti­fied youth work­er and ment­or, John’s goal is to bring to the fore-front, deeply embed­ded issues exper­i­enced by the youth he helps and to inspire those who want to do more, to listen, to learn and join the move­ment.  John’s man­date has always been to not just con­nect but to engage.  John’s patience & com­mit­ment comes from his own exper­i­ences & mis­takes and the people that helped him.   Walk­ing along­side the youth he ment­ors is not only neces­sary for their jour­ney but for his.  Being in for the long term is import­ant.  Show­ing up is key.  

 John used his con­nec­tions with­in the music industry to bring togeth­er some Juno & Grammy award win­ners & nom­in­ees to lend their voices and tal­ents to this spe­cial pro­ject. Col­lect­ively the tal­en­ted group is called, United Artists 4 change and the ensemble fea­tures over 40 Black and Racial­ized Artists, Musi­cians and Pro­du­cers from around Canada. The EP was pro­duced by Da-Rell Clifton, vocally pro­duced by Gary McAuley, Rufus John & Dar­ren Hamilton, and mixed/mastered by Dan Brod­beck.  Some of the artists involved are:  JRDN, Car­los Mor­gan, D.O, Chad Price, Dan-e‑o, Owen O Sound” Lee, Dwayne Mor­gan, Quisha Wint, Jason Sim­mons (Vocal Paint), The McAuley Boys, Nefe, Clair Dav­is, Aphrose, D/Shon and The Water­loo Region Mass Choir.   

 The Free­dom March­ing Pro­ject has partnered with Com­munity lead­er Selam Debs & the ini­ti­at­ive Par­ents of Black Chil­dren. A Go Fund Me page has been set up where people can donate for the month of Feb­ru­ary and all the pro­ceeds raised via Go Fund Me will be evenly dis­trib­uted between The Free­dom March­ing Pro­ject and our part­ners who are com­bat­ing racism, oppres­sion and dis­crim­in­a­tion with­in the cur­rent sys­tems and communities.

Click Link Below to Pre-Order “The Free­dom March­ing Project:­KCj-H8lC7TCgJc0jrMTmfWMTHV0vYuM1pSF4VXIxNZalMgCsySWaq9A

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.