A Cry­ing in the Wil­der­ness Pro­duc­tion in Asso­ci­ation with the Young Vic 

Conun­drumAn intim­ate tale of self-dis­cov­ery, lib­er­a­tion and bliss

Writ­ten & Dir­ec­ted by Paul Anthony Morris

From 14 Janu­ary – 4 Feb­ru­ary 2022, Maria Theatre, Young Vic

The Young Vic is delighted to present Conun­drum, the debut pro­duc­tion from Cry­ing in the Wil­der­ness Pro­duc­tions as a Young Vic Asso­ci­ate Com­pany. This evoc­at­ive new drama, writ­ten and dir­ec­ted by Paul Anthony Mor­ris, dives head­long into a power­ful explor­a­tion of one man’s tra­ject­ory of embra­cing then own­ing self-accept­ance. Conun­drum opens in Janu­ary 2022, hav­ing been delayed due to the pandemic.

Anthony Ofoegbu (Barber Shop Chron­icles) plays Fidel, who promp­ted by old diary entries, con­ducts a per­son­al life review to identi­fy his greatest chal­lenges. Pos­sess­ing an unusu­ally high IQ and ini­tially cri­tiquing soci­ety, Fidel becomes alarmed by the pro­spect that he too, is respons­ible for under­min­ing his own well­being. Per­plexed by this conun­drum, Fidel embarks on a reflect­ive jour­ney seek­ing answers to some of life’s most relat­able ques­tions: Who am I and why am I here?

Kwame Kwei-Armah, Artist­ic Dir­ect­or of the Young Vic, said: “I am delighted that Cry­ing in the Wil­der­ness Pro­duc­tions are finally get­ting to bring their debut piece to our stage, hav­ing been delayed by the pan­dem­ic. The show’s intro­spect­ive and philo­soph­ic­al nature asks urgent ques­tions that we as a coun­try are grap­pling with – argu­ably more than ever before”.

 Paul Anthony Mor­ris, Writer, Dir­ect­or and Artist­ic Dir­ect­or of Cry­ing in the Wil­der­ness Pro­duc­tions said: “Per­form­ing Conun­drum at the Young Vic, provides us with a great oppor­tun­ity to show­case our the­at­ric­al style which we call ‘Theatre of the Soul’ in its entirety, for the very first time. The pro­spect of being able to finally share our cre­at­ive ideas, espe­cially after the past 18 months, to a live and new audi­ence is very exciting”.

 Anthony Ofoegbu said: “Play­ing Fidel will be a tre­mend­ous under­tak­ing. Not only will it nour­ish me as an act­or, but also we hope nour­ish the audi­ence com­ing to share the exper­i­ence of his story”.

Writ­ten and dir­ec­ted by Cry­ing in The Wil­der­ness Pro­duc­tions’ Artist­ic Dir­ect­or Paul Anthony Mor­ris, Conun­drum util­ises Ofoegbu’s verbal and phys­ic­al dex­ter­ity to full effect in this tightly woven 70-minute performance.

The cast includes Anthony Ofoegbu, with Filip Krenus and Voice Work by Rachel Sum­mers. Conun­drum is Designed by Sean Cavanagh, with Light­ing Design by Jack Weir, Move­ment Dir­ect­or and Cho­reo­graphy by Shane Shamb­hu and Asso­ci­ate Dir­ec­tion by Angela Ekaette Michaels.

Conun­drum, Maria Theatre, Young Vic

From 14 Janu­ary – 4 Feb­ru­ary 2022, 7.45pm. Mat­inée per­form­ances, 2.45pm.

Tick­ets: Unre­served £18, Con­ces­sions £16

Audio described per­form­ance: 2.45pm 27 January

Cap­tioned per­form­ance: 2.45pm 29 January

Socially Dis­tanced Per­form­ances: 2.45pm 27 Janu­ary; 29 Janu­ary and 3 Feb­ru­ary 7.45pm

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.