When life finds you stuck in the depths of a Mer­cur­i­al ret­ro­grade, you need a micro­dose of the inter­plan­et­ary type. Enter moon rocks, the über-potent, über-afford­able meth­od to achieve an out-of-this-world high that harkens back to a time before full-ish leg­al­ity, long before dosage caps, child-safe pack­aging, and expens­ive taxes changed the game.

Moon rock blunt, which are nugs that have been coated in a sticky con­cen­tra­tion and then rolled in kief, exist out­side of the cur­rent zeit­geist of can­nabis cul­ture. Moon­rocks flour­ish as a rem­nant of yes­teryear in a world where mind­ful­ness and well­ness sur­pass the dizzy­ing highs and blood­shot eyes of the pre-leg­al­iz­a­tion age, remind­ing you that it can still be pleas­ant to be too high to do any­thing but belly laugh and lounge about.

What exactly are Moon Rocks?

Moon rocks are can­nabis buds that have been dipped in hash oil (or sprayed with it) and then rolled in kief. It is pretty simple to make one, and it is a form of exper­i­ment­ing that the can­nabis enthu­si­asts always appre­ci­ate who have a strong tol­er­ance to marijuana. You’ll need it because best estim­ates put the THC con­tent at roughly 51%! That is more than double the strength of many potent marijuana strains.

Pos­sibly a dis­pens­ary called Star­budz was the first to whip up these potent balls of joy. How­ever, the well-known West Coast rap­per Kur­upt pop­ular­ised moon rocks, and there is even a unique branded ‘Kur­upt Moon­rock’ for sale.

How are Moon Rocks created?

Moon rocks are made by dip­ping or spray­ing a marijuana nug­get in con­cen­trate or hash oil. They’re often cre­ated using Girl Scout Cook­ies flowers and con­cen­trate (not Thin Mints), although you can make them from any strain used to make this dish. We then roll the coated nug­get in a kief. Kief is the sticky crys­tals that cov­er the can­nabis flower. It is also known as pol­len or dry sift. This crys­tal residue is rich in terpenes and cannabinoids.

Moon Rocks: How to Smoke Them

The first rule of learn­ing how to smoke moon rocks is nev­er to use a grinder. If you put your rocks through a grinder, they will become extremely sticky, and you will be unable to turn them. It would be bene­fi­cial if you did not trip into the trap of treat­ing moon pebbles the same way you treat the flowers.

Fur­ther­more, you will very cer­tainly lose a large amount of kief and oil on the nugs to the grinder­’s teeth; what a waste! If feas­ible, split the moon rock into tiny pieces by hand before smoking.

If you like to smoke marijuana occa­sion­ally, add some moon rocks to the mix for a more potent high. Most users will toss some on their flower and roll it up. It’s also an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent marijuana strains.

Pop­u­lar com­bin­a­tions include Jack Her­er kief with Bubba Kush hash and Dies­el flower. Pause for a bit once you’re ready to delve into your moon­rock bud. Have you fin­ished all of your chores for the day? If not, com­plete them before depart­ing on your exped­i­tion to the moon. If you think we’re exag­ger­at­ing the moon’s alti­tude, you haven’t tried it! Some users feel their cre­at­ive side will shine through, but they quickly find that simply going from one room to the next is dif­fi­cult in the midst of the high.

Advant­ages of Smoking Moon Rocks

It is one of the can­nabis products cap­able of get­ting you as high as humanly possible.

It is an excel­lent choice for medi­cin­al can­nabis patients seek­ing thera­peut­ic advant­ages or con­sumers desir­ing high THC levels. Moon Rocks are cost-effect­ive. Fur­ther­more, a gram of moon rock is sub­stan­tially less expens­ive than pur­chas­ing flowers, con­cen­trate, and kief sep­ar­ately. They may be a ter­rif­ic mood boost­er and the ideal product for put­ting you in a con­ver­sa­tion­al mood. They’re also excel­lent con­ver­sa­tion starters.

How to Smoke Moon Rocks in Blunt?

This option is for indi­vidu­als who want to change their appear­ance. They’re stand­ard joint or blunt into a full-fledged space shuttle with an added dose of medi­cin­al power. How­ever, to per­form it cor­rectly and avoid a blocked joint, you must fol­low the fol­low­ing steps:

You must shat­ter the moon rock into as little bits as pos­sible, just like you would while smoking Moon Rocks on a piece of glass. If you don’t want to dirty your table, you can use a rolling tray and scis­sors or a knife and fork.

Once you’ve broken up your Moon Rock into little bits, ground up some every­day flowers to provide a bed for the Moon Rock pieces on the rolling paper or blunt wrap.

Make a fil­ter by tak­ing your blunt wrap or rolling paper and pla­cing the fil­ter on one end. Then, a tiny amount of ground reg­u­lar bud lay on the rolling paper. Place just enough to provide a bed for the moon rock frag­ments to guar­an­tee an equal burn.

Now, equally, dis­trib­ute the moon rock chunks through­out the rolling paper or blunt wrap, and roll the joint as you nor­mally would. When you’ve fin­ished clos­ing your joint, gently press the con­tent in to com­pact it. To avoid over-com­pact­ing your joint, don’t apply too much pres­sure. If there is still too much room after this, you can add addi­tion­al ground bud and moon rock frag­ments and con­tin­ue com­pact­ing until you get the required joint size.

Your space rock­et is now ready to launch. Take smooth and even puffs, and you’ll notice how your moon rock joint pro­duces the most massive and aro­mat­ic clouds of stinky smoke that will carry you right to the moon.

 Moon Rocks may be for you if you want to take your thoughts on an inter­stel­lar voy­age or if you’re seek­ing the next great thing in can­nabis. Marijuana moon rocks are sol­id, even for exper­i­enced can­nabis users. Fly­ing high is the only pos­sible con­sequence when com­bin­ing these sol­id buds with your can­nabis. Moon Rocks will bring you to the moon in no time if you use cau­tion and preparation.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.