Who is George Soros?

George Sor­os is a shrewd, ruth­less, bil­lion­aire West­ern busi­ness­man. Heavy hit­ters like him just do not give away large sums of money, in this case, $100 mil­lion to Human Rights Watch,out of the good­ness of their hearts.

In some circles George Sor­os is con­sidered to be a fin­an­cial ter­ror­ist, who counts among his latest vic­tims the PIGS fam­ily, as in Por­tugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. In the shad­owy world of 21st Cen­tury fin­ance, George Sor­os and his ilk can bring nations such as the PIGS to the brink of col­lapse, with their pop­u­la­tions see­ing their jobs, pen­sions and med­ic­al care dis­ap­pear­ing into the off­shore accounts of Sor­os and his fel­low money mon­gers. This, of course, is noth­ing new, for Sor­os has been destabil­iz­ing and car­ry­ing out régime change for dec­ades going back to his fin­an­cial attacks on the Malay­si­an gov­ern­ment for hav­ing the temer­ity, for amongst oth­er things, to cri­ti­cize Israel.

Far more sin­is­ter than the fin­an­cial ter­ror wreaked upon the world by Sor­os is the polit­ic­al hav­oc that he has caused under the guise of “demo­crat­ic elec­tions”. B,R or S its called, buy, rig or steal, George Sor­os has done it all. Under the code names of the “Orange Revolu­tion”, the “Rose Revolu­tion” and just plain “Unnoticed Revolu­tions” a long series of elect­or­al coup d’etats have george sorosbeen car­ried out with the fin­an­cial sup­port of George Sor­os, all too often in close coöper­a­tion with the CIA.

One of his favor­ite tar­gets has been the former Soviet Uni­on states, though his elect­or­al crime sprees aren’t lim­ited to such.

A sov­er­eign nation such as Nor­way, even if it has troops in Afgh­anistan, has much less blood on its hands than the likes of George Sor­os.

So why does HRW take his filthy lucre, all $100 mil­lion worth? To start with, HRW isn’t the only human rights group or non gov­ern­ment­al organ­iz­a­tion to do so. For dec­ades now George Sor­os has been spread­ing the loot around, buy­ing good will and keep­ing the inev­it­able cri­ti­cism muted or when impossible to silence, feeble and short lived.

All one has to do is go back over the his­tory of George Sor­os involve­ment in polit­ic­al crimes and mis­de­mean­ors and you will find a ser­i­ous hush falls over HRW’s cov­er­age of the events.

Can any­one find any ser­i­ous example of HRW every call­ing Sor­os out for his dirty deeds? Or Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al for that mat­ter?

For someone like George Sor­os, whose wealth puts him far above most of the nations in the world, $100 mil­lion tax deduct­ible dol­lars is a cheap price to pay for a very effect­ive peace of good pub­lic rela­tions, and with the con­niv­ance of the cor­por­ate media in the west, hush money well spent.

Source: http://www.countercurrents.org/

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Gata Malandra

Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.
Gata Malandra

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About Gata Malandra

Gata Malandra
Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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