Video+Lyrics: @IdealArtist @EYESISTARUK — Reflections



I am a reflec­tion of you..

And you are a reflec­tion of me..

Yes we are one,  Most definitely..

So lets spread some love, Affectionately..


(Listen) Come we trod togeth­er in unity..

We are one fam­ily, Yes you and me..

Repat­ri­ation start build­ing the community..

Love for every­body coz’ i can see you in me..

I felt the strength, from the age of 2 or 3..

but as i got older, I put it under lock and key..

Someone talk­ing crazy don’t belong in this society..

I sit down and observe quietly..

Was right for ask­ing ques­tion cos now I know the truth..

They told me many stor­ies but did­n’t have the proof..

Were all in the same shitty boat without a roof..

I am, That I am, That I am, That is only you..

You reflect me, and I reflect you..

Were dif­fer­ent sizes might as well be in the same shoes..

Because on this rocky road no ones des­tine to loose..

Unity and strength and that’s the only way to move..


I am a reflec­tion of you..

And you are a reflec­tion of me..

Yes were one, Most definitely..

So lets spread some love, Affectionately..


(I & Ideal)

As I sit alone, Yeah I’m with the globe..

For every single souls, Reflect­ing like a mir­ror so..

Stop the sin and show, The pos­it­ive evolve..

Or be neg­at­ive, And watch it bring you low..

And if you carry on, Act­ing like the facts are wrong..

You best listen slow (We Are One) You can­’t say that you did­n’t know..

This is old, But it isn’t shown (No)

For some for­bid its told, And yeah they hid the scrolls..

But are we any dif­fer­ent? (No) So don’t care what the shade of someones skin is toned..

We’ve all got a con­nec­tion like when you ring a phone..

Sticks and stones, May break you bones..

But words ain’t inflict­ing, No, So their opin­ion don’t.. Matter..

Yeah its just chatter..

So uplift and grow And don’t listen to their per­sist­ent moans..


I am a reflec­tion of you..

And you are a reflec­tion of me..

Yes were one, Most definitely..

So lets spread some love, Affectionately..

(I & Ideal)

Me and Eye­s­is, We are like twins..

Non identic­al, And its dif­fer­ent steps we walk..

In ours lives lived..

Blessed to choose, Whatever route..

Nev­er left we move, we see the right thing..

And we keep it righteous..

For it mainly effects the youth if we abide sin..

So we reflect the truth and we gleam enlightenment..

Ensure its the best we do and we keep upris­ing.. Nev­er be declining..


Strength in num­bers gath­er round, gath­er round..

If your a free spir­it stand proud, stand proud..

Were all one and we shout it out loud now all our days are sunny even if theres clouds out..

Strength in num­bers gath­er round, gath­er round..

If your a free spir­it stand proud, stand proud..

Were all one and we shout it out loud now all our days are sunny even if theres clouds out..


I am a reflec­tion of you..

And you are a reflec­tion of me..

Yes were one, Most definitely..

So lets spread some love, Affectionately.. Res­ist­an­ceRe­cord­ingsU K

© Res­ist­ance Record­ings 2014.

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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