Video+Lyrics: Heritage By @TOHHNYC @Gnomicomusic @MightyKalipssus , Desire Nobility , JoinRED , Dre Pharoh

Sanc­hez One TOHH NYC

My style of RAP
Was placed on my LAP
Handed by gods & TEACHAS
From way back!
When I use to hang with a pen
And a PAD
Recit­ing scripts that pro­fess­ors wished they HAD
So I finally grabbed
The mic and I choked it
All most broke it
Took The moment
And spoke to it
Hop­in’ it
would respond
With a fresh new song
If not, with a free­style that would bal­ance right and wrong
I’m gone with the wind
When the fat lady sings
The Good olé days are here
But not for long
I stand on the land
Where fear gov­erns man
So the Cul­ture the res­ult of the envir­on­ments demand!
So here I am!!!!
W/ Characteristics
of an artist­ic witness
Took it all in now it’s yours to
But keep in mind, were limited
to our inheritance!
so r the children
So bless them with this heritage!!

JoinRED TOHH Colombia
I res­cued my her­it­age from Afric­an ancestors
walk­ing like Ember­as or Nuw­bi­an protesters
seres cos­mo­góni­cos espírit­us astrales
las ven­as de estas tier­ras nos hacen inmortales
la her­en­cia que dejaron hoy aquí las rescatamos
amor y vida digna la lucha reafirmamos
Alke­bu­lan y Abya Yala códices desciframos
Hip Hop conoci­mi­ento y por ello educamos
I res­cued my her­it­age from Afric­an ancestors
walk­ing like Ember­as or Nuw­bi­an protesters
Cos­mogon­ist Beings Astral Spirits
The veins of the earth make us immortals
Here we res­cue the her­it­age you left us
Love and a worthy life with the struggle we reaffirm
Alke­bu­lan & Abya Yala
we’re deci­pher­ing codex
Hip Hop is Knowledge
and this is why we educate

Mighty Ras Kalipssus TOHH Colombia
De Cindy Cam­bell a Kool Herc
ver­sos caminamos
una kul­tura y forma de vida que perpetuamos
con los ancestros
her­en­cia viva y tradi­ción real
Tem­plo del Hip Hop es ele­v­a­ción espiritual
como fractal con punto de partida fijo
pero infinito poder elevado redefinido
9 ele­men­tos the H‑LAW he spread this
Stand up and rise
pro­tect the kul­ture and its heritage
Since Cindy Cam­bell & Kool Herc
we walk the talk
A Cul­ture and a way of life that we’re perpetuating
With our ancestors
A Liv­ing Her­it­age and a Real Tradition
Temple of Hip Hop is Spir­itu­al Upliftment
Like a fractal with a fixed start­ing point
B.u.t. infin­ite Highly Power redefined
9 Ele­ments the H‑LAW we spread this
Stand up and rise
pro­tect the Cul­ture and its Heritage

Dre Phar­oh, TOHH Canada
Dre Phar­oh cipher sci­ence and the math,
des­troy neg­at­iv­ity, Daddy Kane’s wrath,
third eye shine I see the temple on the path,
I see the “V” for vic­tory over the streets, omega blast!!
Pro­pa­ganda, para­noid skitz,
I battle dark­ness as a sol­dier, crucifix,
With my eyes on the sky for ascension,
and circles of pro­tec­tion, bless­ing my 182 sec­tion , no question,
First instru­ment, First Lesson,
First Over­stand­ing, First Prin­cip­al, blessing.
motiv­ated by the nev­er end­ing question,
elev­ated by the Phar­oh resurrection,
I mean, the day of the dream,
we let free­dom ring and we came into being,
from 182 all the way to boo­gie down,
its my, counter-nar­rat­ive, my HipHop heritage.

Gnomico TOHH Dom Rep. 
Hoy des­ci­endo de los cielos
con san miguel y candelo
con rimas moviendo el suelo
mi marca, hip hop del bueno
del verbo soy propietario
como yacuza
y agarro cualquier excusa
para fab­ri­car mi musa
soy vida, alma, tinta
que pinta mi corazón
yo desar­rollo el espíritu
elev­ando la razón
y entre can­ción y canción
mi vista puesta mi vision
mien­tras otros solo basura
como la televisión
con un convite
de ideas
pa que te ubiques
pues lo que hay en tu cabeza
vale mas que que lo que vistes
y es muy triste
si no viste
los colores cual daltonico
junto a jehova y allah
di mi nombre
yo soy gnomico

Desire Nobil­ity TOHH Miami
The kul­ture­seed a nat­ur­al breed
Desire nobility
The essence of my
my excence to be
A true represt­ive going on daily
Gud­ing my dir­ec­tion is that fours
That saved us
Open your mind and wake up
No dash in the middle do it
For my peoples I am a nat­ive of this nation
Cap­it­al­ize the letters
Between words one space
Act­ive cit­izen iam that all day
leg­acy I’ll carry
Since my born day
Her­it­age in her
inspire to lift higher
Hon­or and respect
Laws and conduct
Recon­struct and recreate
Stand up for the move­ment foreva stay
Non stop , I’m still hip with my hoppin
Stan­dup spead the peace and love lets all prosper
vic­tory over the streets
This is more the protect ..
Know­ledge of truth don’t be miss guided

heritage  am hip hop magazine


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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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