Video Interview: Kickin’ It With Cormega (@iamCormega)

Dur­ing his recent vis­it to Lon­don for a youth pro­ject, Cor­mega took some time out to speak to I am Hip Hop Magazine. We dis­cussed the 5% nation, Islam, his youth work across the globe and how he has developed and changed as an artist and per­son 15 years on from his debut album ‘The Realness’.


Video by Glob­al Faction:


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Wasif Sayyed

Wasif Sayyed’s many years as a writer, rap­per, pro­moter, ment­or and hip-hop pro­du­cer have shaped him into an enthu­si­ast­ic and insight­ful cul­tur­al cryp­to­graph­er. He loves read­ing and cook­ing, and can hear the whis­per of an unsheathed liquid sword from 50 paces. Twit­ter @WasifScion

About Wasif Sayyed

Wasif Sayyed's many years as a writer, rapper, promoter, mentor and hip-hop producer have shaped him into an enthusiastic and insightful cultural cryptographer. He loves reading and cooking, and can hear the whisper of an unsheathed liquid sword from 50 paces. Twitter @WasifScion