Iron Braydz (@braydz) ‘Verbal sWARdz’
Raised in Har­les­den north west Lon­don, Iron Bray­dz has long been con­sidered one of the UK’s
Interview With A Pioneer: UK Hip-Hop Chat With...
Q. What first made you get involved in Hip-Hop? Where there any artists that influ­enced you
Guest: @YAGUAR_aka_JHT — I Am Hip-Hop Radio
I Am Hip-Hop radio show amp­li­fy­ing your world, sound and knowledge. Listen live every Thursday...
Video: Good Morning by @IamArchetype &...
Troy & Arche­type’ s first offi­cial video. It shows the 2 emcees plan­ning their day and
Review: @DJYodaUK at @TheForumHQ
I got the call to pop down to check out Break­fast of Cham­pi­ons at the For­um.
Culture, Resistance And Action: Hip Hop’s...
 From the moment it arrived here from the US, hav­ing surge out of the Bronx and
Review: BabySoul (@babysoulsoa) ft. @KnuckySOA...
Music that speaks on rel­ev­ant issues is, in my opin­ion, the truest form of music. Why? Because it
Lyrics: 0–100 by @TheOrator_UK
  <strong0-100 In my city unem­ploy­ment is kinda high, Thus we hustle to get by, wheth­er by
Documentary: Hip Hop On The Front Line...
Lon­don Hip Hop Artist Releases Anti-War Documentary Fol­low­ing on from col­lab­or­a­tions with UK music...
New Video+Lyrics:Obtain Bearing by @ApexZero00
Lon­don emcee & pro­du­cer Apex Zero has just released his new video today for “Obtain Bear­ing”,
Knowledge Session: Who Was Emiliano Zapata?
©‘Zapata Armado de Lata!‘by Artist Shalak, Brazil, Oct 2011  Emili­ano Zapata was born in...
Support #Palestine! Buy Single: Gaza Fights Back...
[youtube][/youtube] Offi­cial music video for “Gaza Fights Back” taken from the album...