Hip Hop pion­eer Ron­ald “Bee-Stinger” Sav­age shares jew­els and gems on the his­tory of The Hip
Knowledge Session: The Griot Tradition
Gri­ots are; poets, his­tor­i­ans, advisors, spokes­per­sons, gene­a­lo­gists, dip­lo­mats, peace-makers,...
Knowledge Sessions: Who Was Emmett Till?
The story of Emmett Till res­on­ates among the lives of Amer­ic­ans as the start of the
This is Black History @GlobalFaction
This is Black His­tory was pro­duced by Last Resort and GlobalFaction Fea­tur­ing: Jody McIntyre, Logic, Big
Knowledge Session: History of The Libyan...
His­tory of The Liby­an Revolu­tion. Once Upon A Time… Qadhafi
Interview With Jalal Of The Last Poets!
(Photo cred­it: Malik Al Nasir) If you’re a fan of hip-hop, wheth­er you know it or not,
Knowledge Session: Who Was Lorraine Hansberry?
Lor­raine Hans­berry (1930–1965) Play­wright Lor­raine Hansberry’s A Rais­in in the Sun was the first drama...
Knowledge Session: Who was Olive Morris?
Olive Mor­ris. Com­munity Lead­er; Equal­ity Cam­paign­er; Polit­ic­al Act­iv­ist.  Born:...
Graffiti…Vandalism Or A Work Of Art?
Van­dal­ism or a work of art? Ima­gine if Michelan­gelo was fined for paint­ing the Sis­tine Chapel,...
Knowledge Session: Who Was Steve Biko?
Know­ledge Ses­sion: Who was Steve Biko Steve Biko was one of South Africa’s most sig­ni­fic­ant...