Review: The Lords Of The Underground (@djlordjazzlotug) Live @TheJazzCafe


Fans of 90’s / Golden Era hip hop were blessed with a very spe­cial show on Monday night at The Gar­age in North Lon­don. The Lords Of The Under­ground were in town! Ori­gin­ally billed at the Jazz Café over 2 nights but moved to the new ven­ue for one night only.

Not sur­pris­ingly, the event drew a full house! (mostly fel­las of a cer­tain gen­er­a­tion!) As it was a Monday night, a lot of people had come dir­ectly from work but needed no help with enthu­si­asm. Much of the Itch­FM fam­ily were in the build­ing as well as many of my HipHop contemporaries.

Clas­sic Material’s DJ Chris Read star­ted things off. A mas­ter of the turntables and a con­nois­seur of hiphop, the crowd were warmed up with a qual­ity set of ori­gin­al breaks and clas­sic hiphop.  Das-EFX had been billed as the sup­port act but after visa issues had to be replaced. It was bit­ter sweet in that it would have been quite the show two see Das-EFX and LOTU back to back, but, the replace­ment act was by no means a disappointment.

Anoth­er highly respec­ted HipHop artist from the same era, Jeru The Dam­aja was first to take to the stage and pick up the mic. With DJ 279 on the decks, Jeru rocked a sol­id set of clas­sic tracks as well as some more under­ground joints. There were a couple of awk­ward moments were Jeru tried to force more reac­tion from the crowd than he was get­ting but he got through it. A huge unex­pec­ted high­light of the night was Psy­cho Les of The Beat­nuts join­ing Jeru for a couple of numbers.

Then finally, the reas­on we were all there. The Lords of the Under­ground took to the stage. They wasted no time and got straight to busi­ness rock­ing up tempo party bangers that had the crowd JUMP­ING! It was clear to see that these gen­tle­men had been doing this for a long time and had become true mas­ters of their craft!


The set was well rehearsed with impec­cable tim­ing. Add to that the syn­co­pa­tion between MC’s and DJ, to me it felt like what a prop­er HipHop show should be! Excel­lent out­fit choices with Mr Funke wear­ing a Lon­don Under­ground shirt and DoItAll rock­ing a Uni­on Jack! Joined by DJ Lord Jazz on the decks, the show giv­en by this trio gave cre­dence to the term ‘Golden Era’.

Now in their 40s and still work­ing as hard as ever, these dip­lo­mats of qual­ity hiphop deserve the respect and the fol­low­ing they have gained. This is the latest in a list of live shows I have seen recently where in terms of per­form­ance, the old boys are giv­ing the young­sters a run for their money!

With so many of the young­er gen­er­a­tion get­ting into it for the wrong reas­ons, take note.Sometimes, it isn’t about the money, the fame, or the polit­ics. Some­times it just is about rock­ing a party with 2 turntables and a microphone!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

DJ Shorty

Lon­don based Radio host, pro­du­cer, and DJ. Res­id­ent for Lyr­ic­ally Chal­lenged. Shar­ing my love for the Hip Hop cul­ture in as many forms possible.

About DJ Shorty

London based Radio host, producer, and DJ. Resident for Lyrically Challenged. Sharing my love for the Hip Hop culture in as many forms possible.

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