Back at the World fam­ous Jazz Café in Cam­den Town for a two-night run.

Legendary Hip Hop group Slum Vil­lage fea­tur­ing ori­gin­al mem­ber T3 along­side Young RJ & DJ Whels took to the stage after a thrill­ing DJ Set by your favour­ite Hip Hop DJ’s favour­ite DJ Shortee Blitz!! Hos­ted by the one & only Trinigladiator!!

S Villa was not hold­ing back open­ing a clas­sic filled one hour set with “Fall in Love” and oth­er gems taken from the Albums “Fant­ast­ic Vol.1 & 2”

Day one Slum Vil­lage fans such as myself were los­ing their Dilla lov­ing minds with hit after hit!

Whilst oth­ers who may have only become Slum Vil­lage fans after the passing of the legendary pro­du­cer Jay Dee was also cap­tiv­ated by the neck-snap­ping production.

The vibe at a Slum Vil­lage show is always Love, Beats & Soul, a vibe that has taken them around the world for 20+ years now.

Mid show as a tra­di­tion we were treated to music­al & visu­al ded­ic­a­tions to ori­gin­al fallen mem­bers J Dilla & Bataan

Back from the inter­mis­sion, the group flew through some dope cuts taken from their oth­er 7 albums, Mix­tapes & EP as well as Solo cuts from Young RJ. The group’s back & fourth chem­istry, as well as crowd inter­ac­tion, was top notch as always.

The show closed with a beau­ti­ful rendi­tion of the Kanye West-pro­duced “Selfish” with DJ Wels jump­ing in with addi­tion­al vocals.

Slum Vil­lage. With their time­less cata­logue & high energy live show will cer­tainly be an act that will con­tin­ue to tour for many years to come.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )