Cred­it: Mar­cus Prouse

Rachel Chin­ouri­ri, a 24 year old Lon­don born indie/pop artist recently played 4 con­sec­ut­ive sold out shows at Hox­ton Hall, one of which I had the pleas­ure of seeing.

A few years ago, after she released her break­out EP “Four⁰ In Winter” she had to deal with the mis­clas­si­fic­a­tion of her music. As a young black woman, she kept get­ting writ­ten about or cat­egor­ised as a hip hop/rnb artist, even though that could not be fur­ther from the truth.

From old cult clas­sics such as “Adren­aline” to a new debut song “The Hills” where Rachel reaches into new rock-adja­cent genres, con­tinu­ing to broaden her hori­zon and show­case what she is cap­able of.

Little mono­logues in between her songs, telling stor­ies explain­ing how they came to be, wheth­er it was writ­ten with­in a short time frame after her friend got her heart broken, or being out on a secluded get-away in the afore­men­tioned hills, or remind­ing every­one in the audi­ence to cher­ish their loved ones, gave beau­ti­ful con­text to how much the songs mean to not only her, but her fans as she sung to them.

The standout per­form­ances of “If Only” and then “So My Darling” the former end­ing in tears down her face as she looked to the sky, and the lat­ter res­ult­ing in sniffles being heard through­out the ven­ue as she sat on the edge of the stage with the stand­ing fans, made this per­form­ance one to remember.

Rachel Chin­ouri­ri is a pop star in the mak­ing, already selling out ven­ues and gain­ing the atten­tion of large music review­ers and pub­lic­a­tions, I have no doubt she will con­tin­ue to snow­ball into the fully fledged star she should be. I’m glad to have been part of such an intim­ate ven­ue before she no doubt cata­pults into stardom.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Kirin Siton

Kir­in Siton has always been a fan of hip hop grow­ing up with a dad from Brook­lyn, New York. Liv­ing in mul­tiple coun­tries through­out his life, he loves to con­stantly find new artists and genres that he not have thought we would have been inter­ested in.

About Kirin Siton

Kirin Siton has always been a fan of hip hop growing up with a dad from Brooklyn, New York. Living in multiple countries throughout his life, he loves to constantly find new artists and genres that he not have thought we would have been interested in.