Whenev­er R.A. Comes to town your guar­an­teed to get a unique Hip Hop exper­i­ence. Tonight was no exception.

Decked out with his trade­mark hat and coat, he hit the stage with a fero­city! Run­ning through a string of bangers from his latest album “All My Her­oes Are Dead” ( Check out our Inter­view with R.A. for a detailed break­down of the Album)

A sold out Jazz Café was locked in for a 65 Minute wild ride which included hav­ing bottles of water sprayed at them, R.A. rhym­ing in the the audi­ence (which I call the 4D exper­i­ence!), and mem­bers of the crowd stage diving into the audi­ence and hav­ing fun! This was con­trolled chaos that man­aged to look both rehearsed and totally off the cuff.

Backed on the decks by Hip Hop Back In The Day’s very own DJ Drez  along­side Peoples Army troop­er Amy True on hype duties.  Both in fine form and cer­tainly adding their magic to this live experience.

The Hip Hop vet­er­an  broke out some clas­sic cuts from phe­nom­en­al back cata­logue. R.A quipped about how much UK audi­ences appre­ci­ated hear­ing the clas­sics and not just his latest tracks like they do in the US.

You could really tell R.A. was hav­ing a good time onstage and that energy trans­lated so well. He invited Beat box­ers , a free­style rap­per onstage all bring­ing their A- game and receiv­ing as much love as R.A.

After his encore R.A. closed the show by bring­ing a selec­tion of ladies onstage to per­form his single “Golden Oldies”

R.A. The Rugged Man hasn’t lost a step and cer­tainly lived up to his legendary status as an Emcee who can put on a fant­ast­ic live show whenev­er he’s in town

If you missed out I recom­mend you check out the high­lights over on the Con­nois­seurs Of Hip Hop below

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )