Blu and Exile along­side spe­cial guest MED hit the stage for a very rare UK show at the world fam­ous Jazz Cafè.
Hav­ing only see­ing them once since the debut of their mod­ern west coast clas­sic album ‘Below The Heav­ens’ which was released to crit­ic­al acclaim back in 2007.

‘Below The Heav­ens’ fol­lowed up a sol­id trio of albums con­clud­ing with the duos fant­ast­ic double album ‘Miles’ which dropped in 2020.

Over the last 15+ years Blu was very much con­sidered an élite level Emcee who isn’t afraid to push cre­at­ive bound­ar­ies in Hip Hop and has been very pro­lif­ic with a pleth­ora of clas­sic verses.

Unfor­tu­nately Blu does tend to be a bit low energy and dis­in­ter­ested at times onstage lead­ing him to be out­shined by his guest MED’s stage pres­ence and even his DJ. Whenev­er Exile jumped on the mic for a quick cameo verse or got behind the decks for some impress­ive beat jug­gling and sample rip­pling on the drum machine.

With that being said this Jazz Café audi­ence was fully engaged from start to fin­ish and got behind every track and even after the show when Blu and Exile came off stage both were mobbed by fans for ages, which cer­tainly shows that absence def­in­itely makes the heart grow fonder.

Per­son­al high­lights for me was every song per­formed from ‘Below the Heav­ens’ a couple of cuts from Blu’s Madlib and MED col­lab­or­a­tion album ‘Bad Neigh­bour’ and a charged up per­form­ance of ’True n Liv­ing’ taken from the ‘Miles’ Album.

Over­all this was a dope show and hope­fully they’ll be back soon­er rather than later.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )