Grant Body‑P! is dis­tin­guished Journ­al­ist, Presenter, Radio Per­son­al­ity, and Host rep­res­ent­ing the show RePPiN4U on Wild 1 Radio, which airs in Hong Kong, UK, and LA.

“I take pride in the fact that my show only show­cases the freshest Hip Hop heat from estab­lished and upcom­ing tal­ent. We also give listen­ers exclus­ive inter­views and themed shows once a month for listen­ers to cre­ate the playl­ist inspired by 90’s cable chan­nel, The Box Music Tele­vi­sion You Con­trol”. ‑Grant Body‑P!

The show airs every Tues­day, three times a day at 11pm in Hong Kong, UK, and LA on Fans and listen­ers can also catch the encore present­a­tion on BDSIR Net­work every Wed­nes­day at 8pm EST, and 1am in UK.

Many listen­ers inquire about the name of the show and how Grant came up with it.  He men­tioned the show being named after the Black Milk track “ReP­PiN For U” off the album “Tron­ic”.

“This dude asked me, “What’s the answer to this hip hop cancer?”
I’m so hungry for real sh!t it feels like I’m fasting
They told me, stop liv­ing in the past, get past it
The Golden Era it would nev­er come back
Told him, I hear what he’s say­ing and I’m try­in’ to be a crutch to hold it up
But I know what I con­trib­ute is not enough so…” ‑Black Milk

Grant recalls how those lyr­ics res­on­ated with him and it only made sense to name his show RePPiN4U.

“Those words are true and most likely be under­rated in the annuls of Hip Hop His­tory. I know that I alone can­not bring the true essence back, it needs a com­bined effort from fans to DJs to every­one in the industry.”   –    Grant Body‑P!




ARTISTS – send sub­mis­sions to – NO TRAP – NO MUMBLE RAP

All shows can be found on Mix­cloud


Fol­low MJ @MJsHipHopConnex

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!