Recording Artist Stakz Devtio Releases “Audible Diesel II” Album @StakzDevito

Ori­gin­ally from Addis­on, Illinois Sal­vatore Orest­ano recalls his life as a hust­ler early on in his child­hood exper­i­en­cing the loss of his moth­er and cling­ing to the street life to cope.

“I’ve always been about hust­ling and stack­ing my money, and as a young teen­ager I related all too well to Tommy Devito from “Good­fel­las” hence my known name now as Stakz Devito” 

Because Stakz was con­sumed by the streets along with pent up pain he often sought out his pen and paper as an escape.  “I would go in my room, put head­phones on and just vibe out”! Writ­ing rhymes became as nat­ur­al as breath­ing in air and Stakz found him­self espe­cially drawn to the cul­ture of Hip Hop.  Although at that time in his life it was not enough to keep him out of pris­on.  Upon his release Stakz vowed to nev­er return and begin liv­ing life and pur­su­ing his dreams in the music industry. His influ­ences shif­ted from the streets to loy­al and hard­work­ing fam­ily and friends, and artists who shaped him such as N.W.A, Dre, Snoop Dog, Eminem, and Tech N9ne, and Jay Z.

“I have my own style; I’m not boxed in… I stay lyr­ic­al and put my heart into every bar I spit”

Stakz debarked into the music scene with his debut album “Aud­ible Dies­el” and soon after released the sopho­more album “Aud­ible Dies­el II”.  With much suc­cess he went on to per­form at aren­as from Flor­ida, Illinois, and Wis­con­sin dup­ing recog­ni­tion from major artists in par­tic­u­lar Niko Is, artist under Talib Kweli and Kweli’s pro­du­cer Thanks Joey.  Since then the three have col­lab­or­ated on music. In addi­tion, Stakz has opened up for Big Sean, Ces Cru, Do or Die, Jelly Roll, MGK, Katie Got Bandz, and Bubba Sparxxx.

From home­less­ness to pris­on to sold out aren­as, Stakz con­tin­ues to per­fect his craft.  To date he is fur­ther­ing his edu­ca­tion in Record­ing Arts and work­ing on upcom­ing pro­jects that will keep Hip Hop alive and real!





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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!