
The Poetry 4 Gren­fell pro­ject mani­fes­ted as an imme­di­ate response to help artist­ic­ally deal with the emo­tion­al after­math of the ter­ri­fy­ing Gren­fell fire of June’17 in our North Kens­ing­ton com­munity. Led by a Grove raised pro­fes­sion­al Music and Dance-Theatre female artist and Arts facil­it­at­or, it com­bines Rap-poetry, Dance and Film in work­shops and per­form­ances, all with the aim of alle­vi­at­ing the pain and giv­ing a plat­form to the sup­pressed voices in our RBKC com­munity since this hor­rendous Gren­fell fire.  all with the aim of alle­vi­at­ing the pain and giv­ing a plat­form to the sup­pressed voices in our RBKC com­munity since this hor­rendous Gren­fell fire.

The ini­tial vol­un­tary com­munity poetry work­shops is what inspired the Poetry 4 Gren­fell bi-lin­gual book call-out a year ago, which then inspired Kam­it­an Arts to doc­u­ment some of the loc­al oral testi­mon­ies from our diverse com­munity, with a young per­son film­ing it; this res­ul­ted in a Golden Heart Trel­lick Award-win­ning guer­rilla short ‘Poetry 4 Gren­fell’ (Best Art Film at Por­to­bello Film Fest­iv­al 2017). We had no fund­ing for equip­ment, mostly all involved in cre­at­ing our short were chil­dren, young people and eld­ers from our Lad­broke Grove and Latimer Rd. com­munity and those that have been affected by the tra­gic Gren­fell fire. Ima­gine what we can achieve if we are to be fun­ded to pub­lish our ‘Poetry 4 Gren­fell’ book, with voices from the heart of our very own com­munity lead­ing it?

This pro­ject deserves as much expos­ure and sup­port as pos­sible, in order for our young and old voices to reach a wider inter­na­tion­al level. We’d like to have our book ready lead­ing up to our “One Year On Gren­fell” show at the Bush Theatre. Will you join us in mani­fest­ing this vision?

You can pledge as little as £1 or as much as you like, bare in mind If we do not raise our tar­get sum in time we do not receive any of the money at all. Any amount you can donate will be grate­fully appre­ci­ated to get this bi-lin­gual Gren­fell book out for FREE to the sur­viv­ors and their fam­il­ies and in order to fun­draise for more pro­jects like these in the com­munity post-Gren­fell. We have 6 weeks to raise just under £6K’s. It will just take a few mins lit­er­ally! Thank­ing you for your gen­er­os­ity in advance.

Click here for more inform­a­tion and to sup­port the project. 

Keep up to date with Kam­it­an Arts and the work­shops they are run­ning by vis­it­ing http://www.kamitanarts.com/

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.