Out­look Fest­iv­al 2018

3rd-9th Septem­ber || Fort Punta Christo, Pula, Croatia.


Renowned as the world’s biggest, bad­dest bass music event, Out­look has a well-earned repu­ta­tion as an unmiss­able party in the cal­en­dar for bass afi­cion­ados look­ing for a low fre­quency fix. A vital part of the exper­i­ence is Outlook’s boat parties; with over 40 boats to choose from fea­tur­ing labels, clubs and pro­moters alike all aboard for 2018, fea­tur­ing Exit Records, Sub­dub, Swamp 81, Deep Medi, Ban­dulu, Metal­headz, Levelz and many more. Set­ting sail from mid­day Thursday to Sunday even­ing, over 10 boats per day will be rid­ing the Adri­at­ic waves for with some of under­grounds finest DJs and MCs on board. Avail­able only with an Out­look Fest­iv­al tick­et at 20euro per boat party, tick­ets nev­er stick around for long. Buy now to avoid miss­ing the chance to take part.

Full Lineup:


12:00–15:00 — TUES­DAY CLUB - Ran­dall | Andy H | AOB & Spe­cial Guests

12:00–15:00 — DIP­LO­MATS OF SOUND — Chil­dren Of Zeus | Lay­full­stop  & Spe­cial Guests

13:00–16:00 — HIGH FOCUS RECORDS — Dirty Dike | Flipt­rix | Jam Bax­ter | Coops | Ed Scis­sor | Dj Sammy B‑Side | Molotov | Talos

13:00–16:00 — EXIT — dBridge | Skep­tic­al | Fix­ate | SP:MC

15:45 — 18:45 — CRU­CAST — Skep­sis | Darkzy | Notion | Mr Virgo | Bru‑C | Lazcru

15:45 — 18:45 — UPRISE AUDIO - Sev­en | Juss B | Indiji | Asylum, A Grade | Joe Ray­gun & Jman

16.45 — 19.45 — METAL­HEADZ - Gol­die | Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence | Doc Scott | Blocks & Escher | AD | Lowqui

16.45–19.45 — SEN­TRY v ARTIKAL — J:kenzo | Young­sta | Nom­ine | Cimm | Dub Dig­gerz | Sun of Selah

19.30–22.30 — DUB STUY X NUMA CREW - O.B.F | Shanti d & Sr Wilson | Dub-Stuy Sound b2b Numa Crew, Killa P | Ninjaz MC & XL Mad

20.30–23.30 — SPENT SHELL - Flowdan | YGG | Irah | Grand­mixxer | Spooky | Manga | Vital Tech­niques & MC Pean



12.00–15.00 — HOT WUK - The Heatwave

12.00–15.00 — 24 HR GAR­AGE GIRLS — 24hr Gar­age Girls | Shosh | Dead­beat, Vital Tech­niques & MC Pean | Mikey B | Cel­lar­dore | Dert Bag­ginz MC | MC Forca | MC Vapour

13.00–16:00 — BOOM BAP - Killa P | JMan | The Pur­ist | Datkid | Sonny Jim | Kev Brown | Pete Can­non | Kotei | Jives | Kan­na­man | Caps | B.O.C | Franko Fraize

13:00–16:00 — V RECORD­INGS - Bry­an Gee | Ser­um | Jump­ing Jack Frost

15:45–18:45 — MARKY & PATIFE

15:45–18:45 — SWAMP 81 — Loe­fah | Pinch | Lamont | Chunky | T‑Man,

16.45–19.45 — PLASMA AUDIO — Icicle | Truth | Safire | T‑Bone | Civil Din | Sphere

16.45–19.45 — SUB­DUB — Ira­tion Step­pas | O.B.F Feat Shanti D | Charlie P | Sr Wilson

19.30–22.30 — SYM­METRY — Break  | Boston  & Spe­cial Guests

20.30–23.30 — WARN­ING X PLAYAZ - SAS­A­S­AS | DJ Hype + Eks­man | Blazin

20.30–23.30 — DIS­PATCH RECORD­INGS — Ant TC1 | Kyr­ist | DLR | Visionobi


-    SAT­URDAY -

12.00–15.00 — ZAM ZAM V NAVY CUT — J:Kenzo | E3 | Jack Spar­row | Dis­tinct Motive | Dub Dig­gerz | Sun of Selah

12.00–15.00 — KAIZEN — Madam X | Walton | Silas & Snare | Chunky

13.00–16:00 — SUB­MIS­SION — Young­sta | The Greys B2b Chad Dubz B2b Sicara Sound | Thanom B2b Dalek One B2b Max Mis­chief | Mc Sgt Pokes

13:00–16:00 — RES­ID­ENT ADVISOR - Pinch | Sully b2b Anna Mor­gan | Orson b2b Hops

15:45–18:45 — THE NORTH QUARTER — Len­z­man | Zero T | DRS | Fox

16.45–19.45 — DEEP MEDI — Mala | Kahn | Silkie | Kaiju | Com­modo | Compa | Gantz | Truth | Goth-Trad | Jack Spar­row | MC’s Sun of Selah  & Crazy D

16.45–19.45 — DRUM & BASS ARENA — Ran­dall | Storm | Total Sci­ence | Visionobi

19.30 — 22.30 SCOTCH BON­NET - Mun­go’s Hifi | Charlie P | Danny T & Trades­man | Eva Laz­arus | Shanti D | Sr Wilson

20.30–23.30 — WHEEL & DEAL - N‑T ype   |  M r K | Sukh Knight | Silkie | Sepia | Unikorn Fukr | Cimm | Sgt Pokes, Crazy D & Illaman

20.30–23.30- DUB SMUG­GLERS V NICE UP!- Dub Smug­glers | Rid­dim Punks | Compa | Red Eye Hifi | Shep­dog | XL Mad



12.00–15.00 — DEE­P­ROT — El‑B, N‑Type (Gar­age set) | Vital Tech­nique | Dead­beat UK | Sammy Virji | Forca

12.00–15.00 — DEEP DARK & DAN­GER­OUS ‑Truth | Young­sta | Sepia | Dis­tinct Motive | Khiva | Taiko |Coltcuts | Dalek One | Mc’s Sgt Pokes

13.00–16:00 — BAN­DULU — Kahn & Neek | Com­modo | Killa P | Irah

13.00–16.00 — SPEAR­HEAD RECORDS — Bcee | Villem & McLeod | Mc Tempza

15:45–18:45 — GRM DAILY — Jaykae | Pres­id­ent T | MJ Cole | DJ Spooky

15:45–18:45 — HATCHA & FRIENDS — Hatcha b2b Dis­tance | One­man b2b Zed Bias | Truth b2b N‑Type & MC Crazy D

16.45–19.45 — CHAN­NEL ONE - Chan­nel One | Johnny Clarke | Dubkasm

16.45–19.45 — LEVELZ - Black Josh | Bricks | Chimpo | Chunky | Fox | Metro­dome | Rich Reas­on |  Skittles | Sparkz | T‑Man | Truthos Mufasa

19.30–22.30 — STAR WARZ X CON­TRAST - Spec­tra­Soul | Icicle | Blind Judge b2b RedEx | One87

19.30–22.30 — SLIMZO’S - Slimzee (Old Skool Set) W/ Flowdan  & Jamakabi | Grand­mixxer | As If Kid

20.30–23.30 — DUB PHIZ­IX & STRATEGY’S WELL GOOD BOAT PARTY - Dub Phiz­ix  & Strategy | Chimpo & Irah | Fix­ate | Chunky

20.30–23.30 — HYPER­ACTIV­ITY MUSIC X FOREVER DNB — S.P.Y | Ant TC1 | Elisia Do Brazil | BRK & MC Lowqui

Click here for tick­ets and fur­ther information. 

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.