There are so many situ­ations in life that can occur which may cause trauma. When this trauma isn’t dealt with prop­erly, it can turn into a men­tal health con­cern. If you have exper­i­enced trauma through­out your life and you think it is affect­ing your mind and how you act, it may be time to get men­tal health sup­port. There are a couple of ways you can accom­plish this, includ­ing attend­ing in-per­son ther­apy ses­sions or using online ther­apy sources. Here is a look at online ther­apy, and details on if it is able to help someone over­come trauma.

Trau­mat­ic Experiences

You don’t get to choose which exper­i­ences may or may not cause trauma in your life. What you can do is be hon­est about wheth­er you have exper­i­enced trauma at some point through­out your life. For instance, if you were in situ­ations where you weren’t treated fairly, if you are a vet­er­an, or if you have ever found your­self in an abus­ive rela­tion­ship, you have prob­ably exper­i­enced trauma.

In some cases, a per­son is able to pro­cess trau­mat­ic exper­i­ences and move on from them, but in oth­er instances, this may be harder to do. If your past trau­mat­ic exper­i­ences are affect­ing your routine and keep­ing you from being able to do cer­tain things or go spe­cif­ic places, you should con­sider get­ting your men­tal health checked out.

Online Ther­apy

Online ther­apy can be a great resource for address­ing trauma. This is because it can be done in a way that makes you feel com­fort­able. With some ser­vices, you don’t have to look at your ther­ap­ist, or if you do choose to video call with them, you can do so in your own home or a place where you feel at ease. You won’t have to drive to an office and sit in an unfa­mil­i­ar room to talk about your trauma.

Online ther­apy is also less expens­ive than tra­di­tion­al ther­apy, which means it should make it more access­ible for those that are without insur­ance or don’t have a lot of room in their budget to spend on their men­tal health.

There are many ther­apy tech­niques that can be addressed through online ther­apy that may be able to help treat trauma. One is called imagery rehears­al ther­apy. This involves dis­cuss­ing night­mares that you are hav­ing and essen­tially chan­ging them up, so they are no longer caus­ing you trauma. It is one tech­nique that is used to treat trauma found in those with PTSD or post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­order. You can read more about this type of ther­apy here: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/what-is-imagery-rehearsal-therapy-and-what-can-it-treat/

Does It Work?

There is evid­ence that sug­gests that trauma can be effect­ively treated through online ther­apy. When this was tested, res­ults found that people that had PTSD, anxi­ety, stress, and trauma were able to see a change in their symp­toms as they worked through online ther­apy. If you feel like you could bene­fit from online treat­ment, be sure to do some research to find a ser­vice that is right for you.

Keep in mind that there are a num­ber of dif­fer­ent types of ther­apy that will be able to address trauma, such as cog­nit­ive beha­vi­or­al ther­apy, art ther­apy, and prim­al ther­apy. You can do research on these tech­niques to learn more or talk to your ther­ap­ist about them. Togeth­er, you and the coun­selor you choose to work with may be able to help you address your trauma, so it is no longer affect­ing your life neg­at­ively. With the prop­er treat­ment, you may see few­er symp­toms, and some may go away com­pletely. Be sure to stick with it and keep an open mind through­out your treatment.

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Marie Miguel

Mar­ie Miguel has been a writ­ing and research expert for nearly a dec­ade, cov­er­ing a vari­ety of health- related top­ics. Cur­rently, she is con­trib­ut­ing to the expan­sion and growth of a free online men­tal health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and ded­ic­a­tion to address­ing stig­mas asso­ci­ated with men­tal health, she con­tin­ues to spe­cific­ally tar­get sub­jects related to anxi­ety and depression.

About Marie Miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.