Out­look Fest­iv­al UK
30th June–3rd July 2022
Chol­mondeley Castle, Cheshire
TICK­ETS FROM £160 + Book­ing Fee: www.outlookfestival.com

With the first ever Out­look UK less than three months away, the team are get­ting set for their most monu­ment­al adven­ture to date — tak­ing over Cheshire’s Chol­mondeley Castle for 4 massive days and nights soundtracked by the finest in bass, techno, jungle, DnB, dub­step, hip-hop, reg­gae, gar­age, grime, UK rap, soul and more. As the count­down to sum­mer draws closer, there’s anoth­er heavy selec­tion of artists set to play. First tier £140 tick­ets are sold out, with tick­ets now avail­able for £160 or £25 to secure a deposit.

Join­ing the already huge line up is a mix of young gun upstarts and estab­lished legends in the game. In the second wave Congo Natty aka Rebel MC, a sem­in­al fig­ure in the bass, dub and jungle move­ment. Oth­er dons set to rep­res­ent at Out­look are Hyber­dub head honcho Kode9, and oth­er fig­ures from the bass move­ment includ­ing Kahn, Goth-Trad, Glume & Phossa. On board to rep for UK cros­sov­er tal­ent are Eliza Rose, dub­plate boss­man Riz La Teef, Hoover­sound label founder Naina, and every­one’s favour­ite NTS host Sratch­clart. Also, catch Yung Singh, a name who pro­pelled into the spot­light dur­ing 2021 with his Day­timers pro­ject and infec­tious Pun­j­abi gar­age blends.

Out­look also invites long-term fam­ily like Chunky, Chimpo, Walton and more who have rep­res­en­ted at Croa­tian fest­iv­al edi­tions year on year, and will extend that energy to the first UK edi­tion. DnB fans will be happy to find innov­at­ive duo Instra:mental on board, join­ing the expans­ive list of artists rep­ping for the genre. Out­look Fest­iv­al would not be com­plete without its huge line up of MC’s to host pro­ceed­ings — MC Chick­a­boo, MC Crazy D, MC Flux, MC GQ, MC Lowqui, MC Mighty Moe, MC Moose all join, plus 100 more DJs, MCs, live acts, sound­sys­tem teams and crews across the weekend.

This sol­id-gold set of artists will join the already impress­ive bill, made up of Ghetts, Skream, SHER­ELLE, Cal­ibre, Fabio & Grooverider and The Out­look Orches­tra, Mala, 15 Years of Hessle Audio: Ben UFO, Pear­son Sound, Pangaea, D Double E, Len­z­man, Eva Laz­arus, DJ Storm, Chil­dren Of Zeus, Chloe Robin­son, Gol­die, Chan­nel One Sound Sys­tem and more.

Out­look will also have a hefty selec­tion of part­ners on board rep­ping across the week­end, includ­ing RINSE FM, Keep Hush, Hessle Audio, Ili­an Tape, Rup­ture, Skream­izm, Hot Wuk and Pretty Weird. Full stage and day break­downs to be announced in com­ing weeks.

Outlook’s first UK out­ing takes place 30th June–3rd July 2022 at Chol­mondeley Castle in Cheshire, a site that has nev­er been used before for fest­ivals. As always, Out­look Fest­iv­al wel­comes crews, col­lect­ives, artists, MCs, sing­ers, rap­pers, and labels both return­ing, and new school tal­ent who will make up the var­ied bill for 2022. On top of this there’ll be a hyper-focus on audio, with only the highest spec sound sys­tems in place to soundtrack the week­end. There will be an addi­tion­al focus on present­ing talks, work­shops, film, and pan­els that deep dive into edu­ca­tion as well as the roots of the cul­ture. There are a vari­ety of accom­mod­a­tion options for those that wish to upgrade from the camp­site – for more inform­a­tion, head to the Out­look Fest­iv­al website.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.