Podcast Episode #21: Only God Knows (@dioninfinite)

Your con­science acts as an inner voice for you every­day. The good and the bad are all known to that inner self that keeps you aware of things that oth­ers don’t even know. It’s almost as if you’re in a dif­fer­ent world, see­ing your­self through the lens of a frown while oth­ers see a smile. Being more know­ledge­able about your per­son­al short­com­ings and struggles, it’s easi­er for your self-image to be colored dif­fer­ently than that per­ceived by those with less insight into your per­ceived flaws. Instead of dis­tort­ing your image with per­cep­tions of flaw, use your con­science to build your self-image by align­ing your smiles and frowns with the belief in a bene­vol­ent out­come from those exper­i­ences… good and bad. 

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About Dion Baker

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