Novo Video: “Organize the Hood” — Steve B.I.K.O.

Novo vídeo do Rap­per e act­iv­ista político Steve B.I.K.O.


“Orga­nize The Hood” by Steve B.I.K.O.
“You Black and you stuck in Amer­ica — Now what?
And you’re sub­ject to police ter­ror — but how come…
You bite your tongue and tol­er­ate that gang with badges in blue/
But you bang on each oth­er if a broth­er steps on your shoes?
Open fire on a Mother’s Day parade in New Orleans/
But afraid to pull that strap to com­bat Black unemployment/
We gets nare ‘mount assistance/From nare politician/
With noth­ing to lose, there’s noth­ing to fear in this system…
Ditch ‘em. Switch up. Bump, bump, diddy bump/
The masses are hun­gry, but the wealthy ain’t giv­ing up/
A pack of bologna — nor a block of that cheese/
So now we rock with Auton­omy and make ‘em drop to their knees/
Exploita­tion of our cul­ture, fakin’ shakin’ in Har­lem (“do the Har­lem Shake”)/
That’s why I got no prob­lem when the hom­ies come to rob ‘em/
Black Autonomy’s anthem — so my com­rades will crank it/
Veg­e­tar­ian; but down to put a pig-in-a-blanket/It goes…
Cho­rus — (Edu­cate, Agi­tate, Uni­fy, Mobi­lize, Orga­nize: Who’s down to ride?
Edu­cate, Agi­tate, Uni­fy, Mobi­lize, Orga­nize: We bonafide -
Your leader’s fake if he don’t advo­cate for Black revolution/
They tell you tol­er­ate oppres­sion ’cause they lack a solution/
And their paid for their cor­rup­tion; racks under the table/
The new phe­nom­e­non is being Black, will­ing, and able/
To fight back, strike back, right back, its like that/
The hype track and tight rap to give these pigs a night cap…/
Eight hours on a job full of harassment/
Of the Peo­ple, till they pulled over BIKO and he star­ted blastin’/
So it don’t mat­ter, what side of town that you from/
Or what set that you claim — Or what ‘hood you throw up/
Cause now the time has come to rec­og­nize we’re all targets/
And if he ain’t kickin’ knowl­edge your favor­ite rap­per spit­tin’ garbage/
In this peri­od, we’re tired of hear­ing it, and dead serious/
Keep your fake savior’s; we acknowl­edge noth­ing mysterious/
About what’s nec­es­sary, in fact, on the contrary/
Dog, its not about a salary: its all about real­ity (that’s my philosophy)/
Two times ain’t enough — we keep on wind­ing it up/
For the work­ing-class of Afrik­an des­cent in the slums/
Essen­tially that’s every­one; specif­i­cally, that’s us/
Cause in them pen­i­ten­tiaries most what you see is us/
That’s the new Jim Crow — mod­ern day segregation/
Cor­rec­tional Cen­ters are code words for pris­on plantations/
Black folks in there rot­ting, gone…but not forgotten/
Edu­cate and agi­tate to lib­er­ate the down­trod­den, homey/
They raise the bounty on Assata to two mill/
The stakes are get­ting high­er; free­dom fight­ers write new wills/
Lay down your lives — I’ma lay down these lines/
Black is under attack and stay down for mines/
Set fire to the banks — bum­rush the sub-stations/
Actions with a pur­pose — we’ve shown enough patience/
For you and I its ‘do or die’ cause ain’t no get­ting over/
The sys­tem been broke, homey. Let’s top­ple it over (come on!)
Mem­phis, Chi-town, Motown, L.A., D.C. -
Hous­ton, Cleve­land, Oak­land, Atlanta, Miami -
B’more, Sac-town, Boston, New Orleans, Philly -
Har­rison­burg, Pitts­burgh, Den­ver, Phoenix, ALL FAMILY… .”

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