Stank Nitty releases the video for “Far­macy Eco­nomy” fea­tur­ing John Jigg$ with pro­duc­tion by Yaw Boso. Before you dive into the chill, trippy vibe be sure to check out the tell-all inter­view about his upcom­ing album, his blatant life­style, and more.

MJ: Before we jump into your new single and video, I want people to become more famil­i­ar with Stank Nitty…You’re a BK-based emcee, and there’s noth­ing quite like New York Hip Hop, share how that coin­cides with your style, flow, and deliverance.

SN: I’m a rel­at­ive new­comer to the city, moved to Brook­lyn in 2015, which I feel raised the bar for me artist­ic­ally.  New York con­di­tions you to always be striv­ing to beat your last best, and in Hip Hop, the stand­ard of tal­ent and skill has no ceil­ing, so you must grow wings to sur­vive. I’d say the areas my work reflects the NYC sound may come from being influ­enced by golden era New York Hip Hop as a kid but liv­ing in New York pushed me to refine my sound in ways I nev­er thought pos­sible. I was lucky though I had good loc­al people mak­ing space for me to thrive.

MJ: As a seasoned artist you’ve col­lab­or­ated with some heavy hit­ters as well as Hip Hop legends. Has that opened fur­ther doors for you?

SN: That’s a great feel­ing to hear! Abso­lutely in many ways. Mainly I’m just grate­ful to be liv­ing this crazy life sur­roun­ded by geni­us.  It’s wild it feels like no mat­ter what else is going on, it’s cool because I’m truly at the edge of human poten­tial. I’ve always wanted to cre­ate with innov­at­ors first and fore­most and that’s where you’ll see the pat­tern in my col­lab­or­a­tions. I want to hear some­thing no one’s ever thought of before. That sh*t is hap­pen­ing and it’s amazing.

MJ: At what point in your life did you intro­duce Stank Nitty to the world? When did you decide to pur­sue your craft as a career?

SN: Ok so for the first ques­tion, new name, Stank Nitty comes from “San­ity” which was my name for a long time. People star­ted say­ing San Nitty, and I added Stank on a song called “SOB’s ft. Petey Moss­berg”, off the LP “Murder of Crows” with Deuce Ellis in 2019, I said, “Stank Nitty, burn down gated com­munit­ies, blast priests in sac­risties,” and it stuck. I said that because I always had some strong, putrid-smelling weed. So, it’s like “Frank Nitty” the legendary boot­leg­ger, only it’s a dif­fer­ent pro­hib­i­tion alto­geth­er.  I first star­ted hit­ting stages reg­u­larly at an open mic at the Loc­al 506 in Chapel Hill, NC in 2002, but for a lot of years, I’d just be mak­ing music for fun, always writ­ing. I star­ted call­ing myself a note­book MC. It was­n’t till around 2011 when my daugh­ter Ana­hata was born, I decided I was done mess­ing around because I knew this is what I wanted to do. I nev­er turned back.

MJ: Now let’s dive into the video…Give us some inside scoop on “Far­macy Eco­nomy” fea­tur­ing John Jigg$.  Take us from the thought pro­cess through fruition.

SN: Ok so back to what I was say­ing about innov­at­ors, I heard “The Mad­ness” (that sh*t is crazy). I imme­di­ately hit up Jigg$ on Face­book. I knew we had to make a record. I hit my broth­er Yaw Boso from Switzer­land who I’d met when I was rock­ing shows in Cusco, Peru back in 2012, and he, as usu­al, had some­thing nasty, so I sent it through and once we had a track it was like f*ck it, I haven’t been to ATL in a while.  My Bro J Ron­in linked me with Shabaam Sad­heeq for the video and he had dope ideas right off the bat.  He’s a great dir­ect­or.  He has a great eye for the big pic­ture in a video. He hooked up the film­ing spot via DeAndre Per­ry­man at Sounz Gud Entertainment/A1 Records and we worked fast.  Nam Nitty came through with a cameo that was dope, and the fam Vooda was build­ing through the whole process…As you can see I was rock­ing one of his clas­sic beanies…I shot the cov­er art at home, it was fun to give my weed a pro­fes­sion­al glam­our shoot (I may do that again just for fun).

MJ: What’s in the works for Stank Nitty, what can fans look for­ward to and keep eyes and ears out for?

SN: As of the day I’m writ­ing this, I dropped the video for ELON, video 1 in a tri­logy of videos off my 7 song EP “Ket­am­ine Cow­boy” pro­duced by Con­tra-Bass out of my forever stomp­ing grounds Chapel Hill, NC.  The album is a crazy-ass psy­che­del­ic jour­ney through my para­noid over­worked mind. It’s an instant classic.

MJ: As a well-respec­ted artist in the industry nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally, what keeps you bal­anced, humbled, and inspired?

SN: Word? Thank you. Hmmm…Balanced is rel­at­ive because my life is extra crazy.  Still hust­ling, still in court try­ing to see my kid more, still turn­ing up, etc.  My lady helps me stay bal­anced, got me back into med­it­a­tion, exer­cise, etc. Been fight­ing some F’s the past couple of years, noth­ing keeps you more humble like cases lol, but I used to live on the road run­ning around the coun­try doing some of the cra­zi­est sh*t ima­gin­able, so I just try to remem­ber how amaz­ing it is that I’m alive and I have a chance every day to make an impact.  My inspir­a­tion once again just comes from my crazy life and all the beau­ti­ful things that come out of it, it’s all good even when it’s not, but right now, things are GOOD good!

MJ:  Take a moment to share any­thing else about Stank Nitty that fans
might not know…

SN: ‘Ket­am­ine Cow­boy’ drops the first of Septem­ber and both “Elon” and “Far­macy Eco­nomy” are out now…Bring me weed at shows, please and thank you.

Watch the video for “Far­macy Eco­nomy” (dir­ec­ted by Shabaam Sah­deeqp) below which fea­tures John Jigg$ and pro­duc­tion by Yaw Boso. Please be advised to press play at your own risk as con­tact high is prob­able and more than likely.  Melod­ies of 70’s soul and trippy tones are sure to hyp­not­ize listen­ers as they take notes on Nitty’s ganjabotony.

Stream “Far­macy Eco­nomy” here on Spo­ti­fy and con­nect with Stank Nitty below.


Ins­tagram: @stank_nitty

Twit­ter: @nittystank


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!