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A fruit­ful career packed with hits, this release sees B Young take it up a level up as releases his debut album. ‘Dif­fer­ences’ demon­strates a wide range of dif­fer­ent styles and influ­ences through­out. He provides a hint of Afro-wave com­bined with his indul­gent sig­na­ture sound.

2017 saw B Young came into the lime­light suc­ceed­ing a run of hits that led to vir­al recog­ni­tion. The East Lon­don rap­per, sing­er, song­writer is respons­ible for UK street anthems such as ‘Jumanji’ and the ‘079ME’. Cross­ing over the boarders of sounds, B Young com­bines afro wave and dance­hall influ­ences, and these 16 tracks incom­ing are the pin­nacle of everything B Young has been refin­ing.

Intro­du­cing the pro­ject and set­ting the land­scape, ‘Justin Bieber’, comes with the sooth­ing drum pat­tern and allows space for B Young to do what he does best. In the track, amidst the aur­ally per­fect vocal melod­ies he pays homage to the likes of Ariana Grande, Wizkid and of course Justin Bieber.

Known for his pic­tur­esque visu­als, B Young does not dis­sat­is­fy on this track. Set out in the desert fea­tur­ing amaz­ing views, top out­fits from the sing­er and even camels. This video has really pushed bound­ar­ies with this incred­ible loc­a­tion. Com­bin­ing with the tune to cre­ate a fault­less final teas­er for the arriv­ing album.

Pleas­ing his fans from single ‘Come Alive’, full of sum­mer vibes with a great impres­sion from its release with 1.1 mil­lion views on You­Tube and count­ing. The track wit­nesses his abil­ity to write and per­form an endur­ing hook. Switch­ing from skippy tune­ful rap to a more all-embra­cing singing eleg­ance dur­ing the track, this vibrant approach, har­mon­ised with the tender feel that B Young por­trays, really expresses the dis­tinct­ive tal­ent at his dis­pos­al.

‘Dis­tant’ takes us far away to the West Coast of Africa. B Young adopts an Afro Beat style on this track with a myth­ic­al xylo­phone and a lim­it­less Sax­o­phone.

‘Juicy’ brings it down a notch with a lush gui­tar led beat which sees B Young deliv­er a seduct­ive and delight­ful side to his char­ac­ter. Con­tinu­ing with the same mes­sage, he angel­ic­ally con­veys a mes­sage to a romantic coun­ter­part about put­ting their ‘Dif­fer­ences’ to the side.

In the next tune ‘Wet’ we see fur­ther evid­ence as to why B Young has had so many top hits as he pulls through with anoth­er skilled chor­us once again. A more upbeat track on the album, tick­ing the energy box. ‘Save that s***’ has a dif­fer­ent tone to the pre­vi­ous tracks with more atti­tude dir­ec­ted in his lyr­ics. Nar­rat­ing his exper­i­ence and pick­ing him­self up from a pre­vi­ous loss he took.

It is start­ing to feel like ‘Light­work’ for B Young, with a bag full of highly listen­able melod­ies and many ways of por­tray­ing them. The beat is min­im­al­ist­ic with a rhythmic piano layered next to his oper­at­ic and nuanced vocals. Remain­ing cohes­ive, ‘Fon­due’ is invit­ing with an indul­ging concept on the song.

‘You Feel Me’ has a strong mes­sage that is cru­cial for B Young to reveal. Talk­ing about his upbring­ing and hav­ing to res­ist the tempta­tion of going down the wrong path. It has a warm­ing feel­ing and is a pivotal indic­a­tion of B Youngs tal­ent, telling his story sur­roun­ded by a highly listen­able track. The vibe rises again for the next sec­tion of the listen­ers jour­ney, iron­ic­ally ‘Chill’ is per­cus­sion soaked to the core and pays wit­ness to invent­ive and com­plex flows.

Tak­ing it to the streets with ‘Flex’, it is accom­pan­ied by a riv­et­ing synth based instru­ment­al and shows sol­id bars with less melod­ies from the East Lon­don­er. The Hi-Hats take an increase in pace as the listen­er is blessed with ‘R&Drill’. A hybrid of R&B and UK Drill, B Young is break­ing bound­ar­ies and cross­ing genres with this har­mo­ni­ous tune.

One from the heart, ‘Right Now’ is touch­ing and unique. Just involving B Young and a gui­tar, both remain­ing har­mon­ic­ally rich from start to fin­ish. Hard hit­ting drums rever­ber­ate in ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ accom­pan­ied by a hyp­not­ic piano synth work­ing with the tight rhythm. Clos­ing B Young’s pro­ject in style on track num­ber 16, ‘Liv­ing Easy’ is a chance to reflect on how his life is now and show­ing grat­it­ude to his pos­i­tion. A finely cal­ib­rated way to end a focussed and pro­gress­ive pro­ject.

Now the door has opened to the artist­ic world of albums, B Young is set to grow fur­ther and top his pre­vi­ous accol­ades. With over 2 mil­lion monthly listen­ers on Spo­ti­fy alone which has helped the accu­mu­la­tion of 300+ mil­lion views and streams across all plat­forms, he is already in a prom­in­ent pos­i­tion in the UK scene. A true pion­eer for melod­ic rap in the UK and he is innov­at­ing once again with this vis­ion­ary album.

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal
Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.