2x Grammy Award Win­ning, ground­break­ing icon­ic music group, and Hip Hop pion­eers Arres­ted Devel­op­ment recently released their new album ‘Don’t Fight Your Demons.”  The 16-track album fea­tures a selec­tion of eclect­ic musi­cians includ­ing Kuf Knotz, Skyy High, Christine Elise, O’hene Sav­ant, Rambo, Let The Dirt Say Amen, Fro Mag­num Man, MRK SX, and is exec­ut­ively pro­duced by Speech for Vag­a­bond Pro­duc­tions and Con­figa for Con­f­igar­a­tion Records.

“Becom­ing” is the first video off the album and truly sets the tone for what fans can expect from the album. It’s infec­tious beats along with dually clap­ping and strik­ing drums with vacil­lat­ing piano keys are soul-shak­ing, while the intric­ate storytelling and bold images are eye awakening.

Speech shares his vow to become the best he can be and tran­scends us back to age nine, teen years, and young adult­hood. His vivid memor­ies expose domest­ic viol­ence, his jour­ney into the streets with hopes of earn­ing respect, and harsh les­sons behind bars.  Upon his release, a new devout way of think­ing takes over by means of glor­i­fied sermons.

The cap­tiv­at­ing chor­us and invig­or­at­ing energy from the group ignite a sense of free­dom and ela­tion that needs to be cel­eb­rated. Watch “Becom­ing” and stream ‘Don’t Fight Your Demons’ below.

“Becom­ing” is ded­ic­ated to Anthony John­ston (from the film 16 Bars)

Stream/download ‘Don’t Fight Your Demons’ here

The group assures fans and listen­ers this is no hit or miss album.  Each track is dis­tinct in style, flow, and vibe, with influ­en­tial word­play and infec­tious sound­scapes. They break­down and take apart worldly injustices, the cur­rent state of racism, gruel­ing masks of polit­ics, and on the flip side offer empower­ing gems on how to over­come and rise through. The pro­duc­tion through­out the entire album chan­nels a con­tinu­ous kal­eido­scope of invig­or­at­ing bass, soul, funk, worldly tones, and even innov­at­ive cadences ear-pleas­ing to a young­er gen­er­a­tion of music con­nois­seurs. ‘Don’t Fight Your Demons’ ideally serves as a “how-to” hand­book brim­ming with incom­par­able lyr­i­cism, storytelling, and cog­niz­ant aware­ness delivered in a fash­ion only Arres­ted Devel­op­ment can carry through.

For Arres­ted Devel­op­ment Busi­ness email

Con­nect with Speech and Arres­ted Devel­op­ment here

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!