Philly’s own pro­lif­ic emcee, D Prime 215 deliv­ers more mind-blow­ing real­it­ies in his latest video “What They Tell Us.” The single/video, pro­duced by Johann Sebasti­an, is off Prime’s latest “Sac­red Man­tra” EP, avail­able on all major platforms.

“Mass media con­trols how many people get their news. The issue is, it’s not always accur­ate or close to it. When it comes to Black Folk, accur­ate isn’t even a thought most of the time. Neg­at­ive stat­ist­ics and ste­reo­types per­meate the media as the over­power­ing nar­rat­ive. This one-sided nar­rat­ive is viewed as Gos­pel by those who don’t come in to con­tact with Black Folk on a reg­u­lar basis if at all. As a Black Man, being viewed as the sum of neg­at­iv­ity is asin­ine to me, as if that’s ALL we are. This record is my 2 Cents on it. I present to you “What They Tell Us.” Press Play.” – D Prime 215

The video is a simple one, just D Prime walk­ing through his city of broth­erly love. Because of his intric­ate word­play and ingeni­ous lyr­i­cism, there’s no need for gim­micks to entice view­ers in. Also, a mini-film or anim­a­tion, etc., would just take away from Prime’s lyr­ic­al declaration.

Prime addresses ste­reo­types placed on Afric­an Amer­ic­ans repeatedly for cen­tur­ies. He also claims his human stance, free of felon­ies and oth­er neg­at­ive con­nota­tions. He goes on to men­tion that delib­er­ately dam­aging advance­ments for Afric­an Amer­ic­ans must come to an end.  It makes you raise an eye­brow and won­der if oth­ers were just born jeal­ous.  Prime deliv­ers his revolu­tion­ary rhymes over chilling, hair-rais­ing pro­duc­tion blen­ded with clas­sic cuts and scratches. Watch “What They Tell Us” and con­nect with D Prime 215 and Johann Sebasti­an below.

About D Prime 215

In the Eng­lish lan­guage, the word “Prime” is defined as “of first import­ance”. One could cer­tainly say that Phil­adelphi­an emcee D Prime 215 has christened him­self appro­pri­ately, as hip-hop has been of first import­ance in this young man’s life since he picked up a pad and pen in 2009. You can hear the warm, “golden era” sounds of J Dilla, A Tribe Called Quest and homet­own her­oes The Roots pulsing through his music, but with an updated, cur­rent twist. Prime’s held his own on wax with under­ground vet­er­ans like Reef the Lost Cauze, Hezeki­ah and Has-Lo, and shared the stage with heavy­weight names such as Tor­ae and Marco Polo. His approach is straight­for­ward, his words hon­est, and his work eth­ic dili­gent. D Prime 215 is on a mis­sion to cre­ate songs that stand the test of time, and with his unique blend of the old and the new, he’s sure to accom­plish just that.




Johann Sebasti­an



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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!