Philly’s own pro­lif­ic emcee, D Prime 215 deliv­ers more mind-blow­ing real­it­ies in his latest video “What They Tell Us.” The single/video, pro­duced by Johann Sebasti­an, is off Prime’s latest “Sac­red Man­tra” EP, avail­able on all major plat­forms.

“Mass media con­trols how many people get their news. The issue is, it’s not always accur­ate or close to it. When it comes to Black Folk, accur­ate isn’t even a thought most of the time. Neg­at­ive stat­ist­ics and ste­reo­types per­meate the media as the over­power­ing nar­rat­ive. This one-sided nar­rat­ive is viewed as Gos­pel by those who don’t come in to con­tact with Black Folk on a reg­u­lar basis if at all. As a Black Man, being viewed as the sum of neg­at­iv­ity is asin­ine to me, as if that’s ALL we are. This record is my 2 Cents on it. I present to you “What They Tell Us.” Press Play.” – D Prime 215

The video is a simple one, just D Prime walk­ing through his city of broth­erly love. Because of his intric­ate word­play and ingeni­ous lyr­i­cism, there’s no need for gim­micks to entice view­ers in. Also, a mini-film or anim­a­tion, etc., would just take away from Prime’s lyr­ic­al declar­a­tion.

Prime addresses ste­reo­types placed on Afric­an Amer­ic­ans repeatedly for cen­tur­ies. He also claims his human stance, free of felon­ies and oth­er neg­at­ive con­nota­tions. He goes on to men­tion that delib­er­ately dam­aging advance­ments for Afric­an Amer­ic­ans must come to an end.  It makes you raise an eye­brow and won­der if oth­ers were just born jeal­ous.  Prime deliv­ers his revolu­tion­ary rhymes over chilling, hair-rais­ing pro­duc­tion blen­ded with clas­sic cuts and scratches. Watch “What They Tell Us” and con­nect with D Prime 215 and Johann Sebasti­an below.

About D Prime 215

In the Eng­lish lan­guage, the word “Prime” is defined as “of first import­ance”. One could cer­tainly say that Phil­adelphi­an emcee D Prime 215 has christened him­self appro­pri­ately, as hip-hop has been of first import­ance in this young man’s life since he picked up a pad and pen in 2009. You can hear the warm, “golden era” sounds of J Dilla, A Tribe Called Quest and homet­own her­oes The Roots pulsing through his music, but with an updated, cur­rent twist. Prime’s held his own on wax with under­ground vet­er­ans like Reef the Lost Cauze, Hezeki­ah and Has-Lo, and shared the stage with heavy­weight names such as Tor­ae and Marco Polo. His approach is straight­for­ward, his words hon­est, and his work eth­ic dili­gent. D Prime 215 is on a mis­sion to cre­ate songs that stand the test of time, and with his unique blend of the old and the new, he’s sure to accom­plish just that.




Johann Sebasti­an



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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!