New Music | Tuff Kong Records Presents “Non-Fiction” by John Jigg$ (@JiggsTheGreat) x Cuns featuring Benny the Butcher

Tuff Kong Records presents new music, “Non-Fic­tion” by John Jigg$ x Cuns and fea­tur­ing Benny the Butcher.

Lyr­ic­al Power­house John Jigg$ is back at it deliv­er­ing more sum­mer heat for listen­ers and fans. For this exclus­ive he’s joined forces with infam­ously known, Benny The Butcher.  The chem­istry between these two mon­stros­it­ies will cause an epic adren­aline chaser for any Hip Hop head!

Jigg$ is known in “Strong Island” and now world­wide for his clev­er, impec­cable bars. “Non-Fic­tion” is an epi­tome of just that. Simply put he is a jack­ham­mer of punch­lines, while Benny trudges in and adds his own lyr­ic­al hav­oc and may­hem.  This cold case file will leave any com­pet­i­tion on their backs, and that is “Non-Fic­tion”!

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, if it ain’t dope don’t listen, beat em’ to a pulp no fic­tion, everything fact non-fiction”

Cuns con­veys the catchy, can­did hook over the sounds of horns and picks right back up without skip­ping a beat, into a clas­sic Hip Hop cadence.

Stream “Non-Fic­tion” below

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!