Intro­du­cing Irish Nigeri­an rap artist and musi­cian OG The Story with his brand new solo EP titled Evol­u­tion By Any Means. Raised in Lagos and based in Dub­lin, OG The Story is striv­ing to live up to the mean­ing of his full name Oluse­gun Gbadebo, which trans­lates to “The Lord con­quers, bring the crown” in Yor­uba, which is why, wheth­er it is through the music on this new pro­ject, or as a diversity and inclu­sion lead in his cor­por­ate world, or act­ively tack­ling youth viol­ence in his com­munity, he is pas­sion­ate about attain­ing his highest poten­tial and help­ing oth­ers do the same.

Per­haps best known as one of the found­ing mem­bers of Dub­lin hip hop and afrobeats col­lect­ive Millaz, who rose to prom­in­ence a dec­ade ago and amassed a cult fol­low­ing across Ire­land, OG The Story stepped away from the group and the music scene alto­geth­er a few years ago, to pur­sue new life exper­i­ences that took him across the world to the Middle East and Africa. Fast for­ward to 2020 and the Irish Nigeri­an nat­ive is back home in Dub­lin with new insights, renewed pas­sion, a sharp­er edge, and his brand new record Evol­u­tion By Any Means.

Revered for his cap­tiv­at­ing storytelling, excel­lent word­play, infec­tious flow, and assured cadence, OG The Story’s music takes inspir­a­tion from hip hop legends such as Rakim and Notori­ous BIG, with the likes of Bob Mar­ley and Fela Aniku­lapo Kuti influ­en­cing the essence and mes­saging behind his new work, which wants to carry the listen­er through insight­ful and emotive jour­neys in ways that will inspire them. His new pro­ject Evol­u­tion By Any Means speaks dir­ectly to our cur­rent times, driv­en by themes such as her­it­age, iden­tity, diversity, and self-love.

Speak­ing about the inspir­a­tion behind his Evol­u­tion By Any Means EP, OG The Story says, “This pro­ject is about self-expres­sion and striv­ing to be the best ver­sion of myself, which has led me to explore key themes includ­ing iden­tity, con­scious­ness, and self-love. This EP is telling the story of my jour­ney to achieve my highest poten­tial while delving into a vari­ety of life exper­i­ences with the insights and les­sons gained from them. The rela­tion­ship between the indi­vidu­al and com­munity is also touched on in par­al­lel to the key themes of the pro­ject, with the hope to inspire oth­ers to be their best selves”.

Watch Irish Res­id­ent off Evol­u­tion By Any Means EP and con­nect with OG The Story below





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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!