New York-based record­ing artist Notes82 releases a 13-track album titled “Reflec­tions”, avail­able now on major stream­ing platforms.

“Reflec­tions is a vivid visu­al mas­ter­piece that gives the Hip Hop listen­er a chance to exper­i­ence my story from a very per­son­al per­spect­ive. This album is my open book con­fes­sion and the cul­ture deserves to hear me speak my truth.” ‑Notes82

The skilled lyr­i­cist brings forth his A‑game to deliv­er an album brim­ming with hard truths, inspir­a­tion, and pivotal reflect­ive mem­oirs.  The pro­duc­tion fused with multi-genre tones includ­ing 70’s smooth tones mixed with horns, pianos, and urb­an bass height­en the raw­ness spewed from Notes82.

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“Reflec­tions Intro” sets the tone for the entire album, which exudes sur­viv­al and strength. Notes begins lay­ing the found­a­tion onto the can­vas for listen­ers to grasp what’s next to come; fight­ing to stay awake, becom­ing immune to los­ing friends, and the repe­ti­tious beat­ings from the streets. In “My Time” Notes speaks upon his growth and grind by declar­ing his stance in the industry, for he’s not to be con­fused as just anoth­er rapper.

Notes con­fesses his street relapse tempta­tion in “Run­ning Back.” He vividly describes his dif­fi­culty to refrain from slid­ing back­ward, and how at times it’s impossible to res­ist the street’s sweet nec­tar.  The struggle can be lif­ted if Notes had a “Num­ber One” by his side.  This track is for the ladies as Notes expresses his desire to secure a lead­ing lady of his own who can emerge sun­shine into the hood.

“Vul­tures” is a record for haters and naysay­ers with a mes­sage from Notes exclaim­ing how his takeover in the cul­ture will keep their taunts at rest.  His mes­sage con­tin­ues with the next track and lead single, “Sui­cide.” Notes vocal­izes his ongo­ing fight to dodge evil’s touch while labels and rap­pers con­tin­ue with a tain­ted reign over­flow­ing with greed. “Tell ’em Pray” serves as a pub­lic ser­vice announce­ment, one that is not for the weak at heart. Notes time and energy are ded­ic­ated to the lab, tak­ing jabs and mak­ing blatant moves, with the game in the palm of his hand.  With his “Book Bag” filled with prom­in­ent lyr­ic­al jew­els, Notes is ready to unleash hav­oc at any giv­en moment.

“All My Life” is quite the per­son­al track that embod­ies a past of force-fed lies, which in turn altered the life­style Notes led as does “Bad vs Evil.” It’s now his time to speak the truth in the booth and air out past toil­some rela­tion­ships, both per­son­al and professional.

In “Golden Globes” Notes sends out an imper­at­ive wakeup call that the best things in life are not free. His vivid storytelling con­firms an uphill ‘ground­ho­g’s day’ climb regard­ing labels and shady industry mix­ers. How­ever, in “Reflec­tions Outro”, Notes steps into a zone strong-armed with his clear men­tal and reflect­ive thoughts pre­pared to stomp out that climb. The rhythmic mar­tyr wraps up the album in “Under­neath It All.” With the con­crete jungle weigh­ing on his back, los­ing friends to death, and a gruel­ing career, Notes only focus is the future; full throttle sur­viv­al mode.

Stream “Reflec­tions” and con­nect with Notes on Social Media below. 

Con­nect with Notes82 on Face­book | Twit­ter | Ins­tagram | Book­ings:

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!