Nam Nitty releases his new album ‘Crack Baby’, pro­duced by Nam Nitty & exec­ut­ively pro­duced by Nam Nitty, John Jigg$, and MXNXPXLY Family.

Seasoned emcee, pro­du­cer, video­graph­er, fash­ion design­er, and CEO Nam Nitty, announces the release of his highly anti­cip­ated album titled ‘Crack Baby.’ The album is avail­able on major plat­forms with the deluxe edi­tion and mer­chand­ise avail­able at

The 12-track album fea­tures an élite group of fel­low heavy-hit­ters includ­ing Hol­ly­wood Peoples, Chop, Voice, Bent­ley, Scrooge Owens, and MXNXPXLY mem­bers John Jigg$, Rock­welz, and M.O.U.F.

The quin­tup­let threat tran­scends listen­ers into the realm of a “ghetto child” and allows them to exper­i­ence his pain and growth.  Nitty’s cut-throat bars and lyr­i­cism through­out the entire album undoubtedly proves his reign in Hip Hop, and although the NY emcee now resides in Atlanta, he mas­ters a piece of authen­t­ic NY Hip Hop that is sure to have turntables blar­ing across all five boroughs.

Put your seat­belt on and pre­pare for a jour­ney through the senses of a young black man in Amer­ica and get famil­i­ar with his good, bad, and ugly.  Nam Nitty’s ‘Crack Baby’ avail­able here on pre­ferred platforms.

Watch “The Hustler’s Pray­er” off ‘Crack Baby’ LP

Face­book @TheRealNamNitty | Ins­tagram @secretsosiety_nitty | Twit­ter @therealnamnitty
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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!