Mar­cosus “Smoke Too This” Fea­tur­ing Too Short

The Bay and Long Beach link up once again for anoth­er cer­ti­fied smash as Long Beach’s rising star Mar­cosus col­lab­or­ates with legendary Bay Area record­ing artist Too Short for new single, “Smoke Too This”.

A famil­i­ar West Coast sum­mer­time vibe, Mar­cosus and Too Short deliv­er smooth, calm, and cre­at­ive verses that will keep the party rockin’ all night long til the early morn­in’. The per­fect blend of gang­sta boo­gie and legendary bass that Hip-Hop has grown to adore from so many West Coast clas­sics. The past, present, and future col­lide on the track as Too Short co-signs the great­ness that is Marcosus.

Mar­cosus, born Mar­cosus LeB­lanc, is the CEO of his own entity, Young Dogg­style Records. An imprint estab­lished in 2016 with a stamp of approv­al by the legend-him­self Snoop Doog. Mar­cosus became a protégé of the West Coast legend after a stel­lar rhymeslay­ing per­form­ance dur­ing Snoop Dogg presen­ted Rap Battle. Fol­low­ing the per­form­ance, Mar­cosus opened up for Snoop Dogg’s Puff Puff Pass 2 Tour, shar­ing the stage with Hip-Hop legends Dogg Pound, Bone Thugs-N-Har­mony, Twista, and Too Short him­self. Lead­ing to the two col­lab­or­at­ing on the new single.

Too Short is not only a liv­ing legend in Hip-Hop, he is also one of the most longest-run­ning hit-mak­ing record­ing artist in Hip-Hop his­tory. Cata­log of hits that stands the test of time that has tran­scen­ded sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions from the 80’s to the present. Known for icon­ic essen­tials, “Freaky Tales”, “Get­tin’ It”, and “Blow the Whistle”, like Mar­cosus, Too Short has co-signed count­less super­stars in today’s music like Wiz Khal­ifa, Lil B, and G‑Eazy while col­lab­or­at­ing with them on smash hits of their own. Too Short refers to Mar­cosus as his favor­ite singer.

Mar­cosus style is a mix­ture of Nate Dogg-meets-Drake. A blues­men at heart, Mar­cosus soul­ful har­mon­ies blend with a pas­sion and pain rhymes  sim­ul­tan­eously. Not since Ty Dolla $ign has there been a West Coast record­ing artist with the abil­ity to con­nect the ladies and the streets togeth­er like Mar­cosus does on every track.

“Smoke Too This” will be fea­tured on Mar­cosus upcom­ing new album, Singing & Smoking. The new single by Mar­cosus and Too Short will be avail­able on all digit­al plat­forms June 1st via Young DoggyStyle Records. Mar­cosus’ Singing & Smoking will be release July 20th under the same imprint.

 Listen to “Smoke Too This” below. 

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!