Long Island-based Hip Hop artist Jus P releases his brand new album ‘Black Can­vas’ avail­able now on all stream­ing plat­forms. In the inter­view below Jus P describes lyr­ic­al gems, a per­son­al jour­ney, artist and pro­du­cer chem­istry, his sig­na­ture fla­vor for cre­at­ing time­less music, and more.

MJ: Before we dive right into the release of your brand-new album, let every­one know who Jus‑P is.

Jus P: I’m Jus P also known as the Black Men­ace. I’m a Queen’s rep­res­ent­at­ive by way of Long Island, adding on to true Hip Hop culture.

MJ: Your new album ‘Black Can­vas’ fea­tures a diverse group of pro­du­cers and artists. Tell us about the thought pro­cess of choos­ing this selec­tion of pro­du­cers as well as the guest fea­tures on the album.

‘Black Can­vas’ on Apple Music —

Jus P: The album is a col­lec­tion of songs that each have their own unique ori­gin story.  Wheth­er those records were sup­posed to be used for dif­fer­ent pro­jects and did­n’t hap­pen or just me work­ing on my own, there is a unique ori­gin story to show how the artist, and pro­du­cer came togeth­er on any song on the album. I took those dif­fer­ent records and blen­ded them into a cohes­ive artist­ic body of work like a paint­er on a canvas.

MJ: The album hits heavy with an east coast, gritty vibe. Each track out of the 15 con­veys dis­tinct, real-life mes­sages. One of my top favor­ites is “Inglori­ous Bas­tards.” It exudes a grip­ping lyr­ic­al per­form­ance. Talk a bit about that record.

Jus P:  “Inglori­ous Bas­tards” was a record that was out before I got a hold of it. I met the pro­du­cer through Killa Kali from Gold Chain Mil­it­ary. We decided to remix it adding my verse. My verse is about how my real-life exper­i­ences sep­ar­ate me from artists who exag­ger­ate theirs.

MJ: “The Art of War” is anoth­er hair-rais­ing track just from the intro alone, you can feel the emotive­ness from each syl­lable. Share a bit about “The Art of War.”

Jus P: “The Art of War” was pro­duced by Dirty Diggs and was ori­gin­ally for a full-length Jus P / Killa Kali pro­ject years back. Due to schedul­ing con­flicts, we could­n’t com­plete it. I kept my ori­gin­al verse and got with GS ADVANCE who added a raw power­ful verse as well as the hook.

MJ: What can audi­ences and fans expect from this album? What is it that you want audi­ences and listen­ers to take away from the lyr­ic­al experience?

Jus P: Fans can expect a gritty and amaz­ing piece of art with the work of many dif­fer­ent artists and col­lab­or­at­ors. I want the audi­ence to take away the advice and jew­els that’s in the lyr­ics as well as the skill and the art of the wordplay.

MJ: You have a sig­na­ture style, flow, energy, and incom­par­able deliv­er­ance. What sep­ar­ates you from oth­er artists? What is it about Hip Hop that keeps you striv­ing for more?

Jus P: I’m a very cre­at­ive per­son who also lives a dis­tinct and inter­est­ing life.  Many dif­fer­ent life exper­i­ences I’ve been through or encountered I put into the music. What motiv­ates me is being able to add on to Hip Hop cul­ture and its legacy…contributing my part to history.

MJ: It’s fair to say ‘Black Can­vas’ is an album you can listen to in 2023 and play again in 10 years and still feel as if it was the first time your ears exper­i­enced it. What’s your ingredi­ent or secret weapon to cre­at­ing time­less music that both the older gen­er­a­tion and the new gen­er­a­tion can embrace?

Jus P: The secret ingredi­ents for me are hon­esty and creativity…creatively and hon­estly telling my truth.

MJ: Take this time to let fans know of any upcom­ing shows, events, or upcom­ing music or pro­jects they can expect from 2023.

Jus P: Next up is the Body Bag Ben pro­duced EP ‘For­tune Favors The Bold.’

MJ: Is there any­thing else you want to share with the world about ‘Black Can­vas’ the album?

Jus P: Be sure to check out ‘Black Can­vas’ the album, out now on all stream­ing plat­forms. It’s a grimy piece of  HipHop art and cul­ture.  Shouts to all col­lab­or­at­ors, and peace to all my fans and fam­ily worldwide.

Watch the offi­cial video for “Show Respect” from the ‘Black Can­vas’ album fea­tur­ing G.S. Advance & RIM

Con­nect with Jus P on Ins­tagram @jusp100

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!