John Jigg$ links up with SkyCash Beats to release an exclus­ive single titled “Nights Like This”.  The single is tak­ing the world by storm with over 2k views in only a few hours!  The record is a tale about a young Jigg$ who dreams of see­ing his name in big lights to where he is now, “You’ll know my name J I two G’s, you see”.   He puts one foot in front of the oth­er push­ing his A1 game with every step and every move.  Jigg$ is no longer dream­ing of “Nights Like This”.  His name is burn­ing bulbs across the U.S. and overseas.

About John Jigg$


Long Island’s own John Jigg$ has become a house­hold name in the Hip Hop scene and the music industry as a whole! A few years back some might have claimed, “John who”? Now in 2018 he car­ries stam­in­ate suc­cess on his back with an extens­ive music cata­log, head­lines with major legends such as Mr Cheeks, DJ Red Alert, Dinco D, Funk Mas­ter Flex, Spe­cial Ed, Slick Rick, DMX, and that is just to name a hand­ful. He is also fea­tured on PMD’s latest album, and is well respec­ted in both the indie and main­stream world of Hip Hop. It is no longer “John who”? Pres­ti­gi­ous radio, media, and press around the globe refer to Jigg$ as an epic entity one step away from reign­ing as one of Hip Hop’s greatest!

Jigg$ recently returned back to the states from his per­son­al European Tour. Upon his return, leav­ing no room to adjust to time, he raced back into the stu­dio to release sev­er­al new singles while work­ing round the clock pol­ish­ing up his forth­com­ing album.

Listen to “Nights Like This Below”

Fol­low John Jigg$

Fol­low MJ @MJsHipHopConnex

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!