TySo­ul and Maine the Medi­cine announce the release of their col­lab­or­at­ive pro­ject titled ‘Medi­cine for the Soul.’ The 14-track album fea­tures Pop­ko, Sweet­ness, Daniel Rosler, Sus­pect, Lambo Lo, Paul­ie, and GTS.  Check out our latest inter­view detail­ing the album along with visu­als for the lead­ing single “Serenity.”

MJ: You hit fans with some­thing dif­fer­ent and innov­at­ive with this new album “Medi­cine for the Soul”. You cur­ated a cap­tiv­at­ing blend of R&B and Hip Hop. Talk about the album and the mind­set behind cre­at­ing it.

Stream/download “Medi­cine for the Soul” here on pre­ferred platforms

TySo­ul: Both Maine and myself already col­lab­or­ated on mul­tiple records before this album, and everything we made togeth­er came out great. So, we thought, why not make a full pro­ject togeth­er, and we did just that. Myself being a Chris Brown fan, I wanted to add a new school R&B flare to the album, while hav­ing Maine add his old-school influ­ences along with his amaz­ing lyricism.

Maine: being from New York, Hip-Hop and R&B go hand and hand. Like Nas and Lauryn, Meth and Mary, Fath­er MC with Jodeci, and the list goes on and on. We just wanted to bring that feel­ing back.

MJ: You enlis­ted an élite selec­tion of pro­du­cers for the album, with an incred­ible abil­ity to orches­trate sound­scapes that height­en the raw emo­tion and impec­cable lyr­i­cism. Talk about that, as well as how you two linked up.

TySo­ul: We ori­gin­ally linked up nearly a dec­ade ago from a mutu­al con­tact, we nev­er col­lab­or­ated at the time, but we did a few shows togeth­er. Years later Maine called me to come into JL Stu­di­os to do a hook for Mercy Gang and after that, it was a wrap…

Maine: We worked with a hand­ful of pro­du­cers includ­ing Know- it beats and Da Leadgeon who helped us blend that Hip Hop and R&B with today’s twist. Plus, we both get busy with the pen!

MJ:  Was the goal of the album to expand your fan base by step­ping out of the box? Was it to dis­play your ver­sat­il­ity as artists and your agil­ity to steer in dif­fer­ent lanes?

TySo­ul: I think both of us some­what stepped out of our com­fort zones for the bet­ter. I was able to exper­i­ment with a more com­mer­cial sound rather than the old-school R&B type influ­ences that were pre­val­ent in my first album “Two-Sided.” I feel that we both dis­played our ver­sat­il­ity but also stayed true to our artistry.

Maine: I feel as an MC I should be able to adapt to any genre while still being me.

MJ:  What single off the album do you anti­cip­ate tak­ing off both on charts and with listeners/fans?

TySo­ul: I think that “Addicted” or “Don’t You” are two of our more heart­felt records. Both talk about rela­tion­ship-based con­tent but also have an upbeat flow and awe­some production.

Maine: “Serenity” is going to make a state­ment because it deals with some cru­cial issues going on in the world now. “Addicted”, “Old Thing Back”, and “Move Ya Body” are extraordin­ar­ily strong records as well.

MJ: Take a minute to reflect and share any­thing else about “The Medi­cine for the Soul”

TySo­ul: This pro­ject per­son­ally helped me to exper­i­ment with rap­ping more. Maine pushed and encour­aged me to spit a few bars, and I was able to rap a few good verses on this album. Even through this pan­dem­ic, we stayed motiv­ated and in touch, which enabled us to fin­ish this pro­ject strong and in time when we were able to return to the studio.

Maine: We want people and our fans to get that great feel­ing listen­ing to our music. We’re just try­ing to put authen­t­ic Hip Hop and R&B back on the map.

Spe­cial thanks to Dan Rosler, Aman­da Rogan, Lambo Lo, Sus­pect, Gus, and Paulie…#RIPHefty

Watch “Serenity” fea­tur­ing Sweet­ness and Daniel Rosler (off ‘Medi­cine for the Soul’ album). The empower­ing lyr­ics and serene images of unity and inno­cence in the video along with the sooth­ing, soul­ful vibe and clas­sic drums are sure to raise neck hairs and touch hearts worldwide.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!