
One import­ant les­son learned by 19-year-old Chris­ti­an Hip Hop Artist DaeShawn Forest is that when he needs some­thing from the Lord or needs to hear from the Lord, he must dis­tance him­self. That is, dis­tance in the man­ner of allow­ing God to speak to him without being dis­trac­ted. Some say going to your pray­er closet; some say med­it­at­ing; oth­ers say dis­en­ga­ging from the world tem­por­ar­ily. DaeShawn simply pos­i­tions him­self so that there is no inter­fer­ence with the rela­tion­ship he has with God. The song ‘Dis­tance’ is his story that was recor­ded and writ­ten in his own words! 

Watch DaeShawn For­rest Go Behind His Song ‘Dis­tance’

DaeShawn For­rest Go Deep­er Behind The Song ‘Dis­tance’

Among many les­sons learned from Eld­ers and testi­mon­ies at church, Chris­ti­an Rap­per DaeShawn For­rest was told that when he feels God tug­ging on his heart, it is wise to get in a pos­i­tion where he can clearly listen. “There was a time where I began to feel like some­thing was wrong”, DaeShawn stated. Out of nowhere, I began to feel spir­itu­ally empty and that God was try­ing to tell me some­thing, he con­tin­ued. “That feel­ing of dis­com­fort las­ted a couple days before I finally decided to go to God in pray­er and fig­ure out what was going on”.

“I remem­ber God let­ting me know that there was work for me to do and that he wanted to use me. How­ever, for me to get to the point where God can use me, I would have to dis­tance myself from the things and friends that I love so God could work on me”. Ini­tially, it was tough for DaeShawn to dis­tance him­self, he informed. It was upset­ting because he felt like he was by him­self. When his friends would go out and social­ize, DaeShawn stayed home read­ing and pray­ing. Although he was aware that spend­ing time with God is far more import­ant than any­thing else, as a young adult in his teens he couldn’t ignore the fact he was miss­ing out on social activ­ity with his friends.

Be that as it may, God showed DaeShawn his mis­takes and how they impacted his over­all judge­ment. Thank­fully, those moments of self-exam­in­a­tion gave DaeShawn the oppor­tun­ity to bet­ter him­self.  He would later use what he learned for God’s glory. Look­ing back, DaeShawn real­ized that being obed­i­ent and dis­tan­cing him­self from the dis­trac­tions was the best decision he ever made. It matured him spir­itu­ally! He also moved past the pre­vi­ous pain and dis­ap­point­ments he held on for so long. You can say that DaeShawn got rid of his heavy load. Rather than let­ting emo­tions fester and grow big­ger, DaeShawn is quick to for­give and slow to be angry.  God pushed DaeShawn in the dir­ec­tion he pur­posed him to be at. DaeShawn had to look at him­self in the mir­ror and exam­ine what was star­ing back at him. He found out that it was his own doing which pre­ven­ted him from rising. “I was wait­ing on God to change my ways and didn’t real­ized God was wait­ing on me” explained DaeShawn. It was a hard pill to swal­low, but I thank God for giv­ing me exper­i­enced of being in the desert 40 days and 40 nights sort of speak. It only caused me to do bet­ter in every area of life.

DaeShawn is thank­ful that God did what he did to grab his atten­tion. It shows the uncon­di­tion­al love that he has for him. In this ongo­ing pro­cess, God con­tin­ues to mold DaeShawn in com­fort­able ways and some­times in uncom­fort­able ways. Although DaeShawn might have to dis­tance him­self, he is nev­er alone. DaeShawn knows that Christ will nev­er leave him nor for­sake him. He dis­cerns when God calls on him it might require his undi­vided atten­tion to receive the proph­et­ic mes­sage or assignment.

Con­nect With DaeShawn For­rest On The Web







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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.