After hero­ic­ally launch­ing the first single ‘Guard The Fort’ at the BBC 6 Music Fest­iv­al in March, the time has come for hip-hop’s favour­ite super­her­oes to unleash their highly anti­cip­ated album. The industry’s most recog­nis­able voice, Chali 2na, and turntable wiz­ard Krafty Kuts have been not-so-secretly pre­par­ing this pro­ject since 2017 through over 150 live shows and count­less stu­dio ses­sions. The time has finally come to grab your capes, don a pair of tights and load up the turntable ready for the show to begin. This is ‘Adven­tures Of A Reluct­ant Super Hero’ – pre­pare for the Purple Assas­sin and the Scratch­man as they come and save your city, the scene and hip-hop as we know it.

Set for release on the 9th August, with second single ‘Dis­tance’ sched­uled for 28th June and third single ‘Waste No Time’ com­ing out on the 12th July, the dynam­ic duo have been teas­ing a full LP since 2017’s ‘Hands High.’ Fea­tur­ing a who’s‑who of col­labs and guest appear­ances from hip-hop roy­alty, this 15-track record takes you to just about every corner of the genre, leav­ing no stone unturned.

With Lyr­ics Born and Gift Of Gab join­ing on ‘Guard The Fort’ to deliv­er a ser­i­ous state­ment of intent to open the LP, the rest of the record is an adven­ture through funk, breaks, rolling bass­lines, buck­ets of groove and everything in-between. Throw in a gen­er­ous por­tion of expertly delivered bars and vocals from genre sidekicks like Harry Shotta, Skye (Morcheeba), Omar, Dynam­ite MC and more, and you’re left with a hip-hop record that not even the com­ic books could have conceived.

Between them, Chali 2na and Krafty Kuts have worked with the best of the best – from Jur­as­sic 5 to The Prodigy and even per­form­ing along­side The Rolling Stones, so it’s no secret that their col­lab­or­a­tions are recog­nised at the highest levels of the industry and this album is no exception.

The two vigil­antes will also be fly­ing from town to town fully equipped with vinyl crates and a mic over the sum­mer. The cru­sade will be tak­ing hip-hop back to its roots over the next few months, with plenty more dates to be announced – so stay tuned!



  1. Guard The Fort (Ft Lyr­ics Born & Gift Of Gab)
  2. Bruce 2na
  3. Dis­tance
  4. Super­her­oes Anonym­ous (Ft Jake, Ang 13, Dynam­ite, MC Spyce, Harry Shotta, Jake The Detonator)
  5. South Coast Rocks
  6. Super­hero Kit
  7. Black Vapor
  8. Feel The Power (Ft Skye (Morcheeba)
  9. Worth Fight­ing For (Ft Omar)
  10. Waste No Time (Ft Dynam­ite MC)
  11. Stay Tuned
  12. Heart­broken (Feat Skye (Morcheeba)
  13. Skillz (Ft Joe Charman)
  14. Hands High


Catch the duo on tour

  • 9th August — Sham­bala Fest­iv­al Canada
  • 13th August — Instore at Rough Trade East London
  • 14th August — Instore Rough Trade Bristol
  • 15th August — Instore Rough Trade Nottingham
  • 16th August- Isling­ton 02 Academy
  • 17th August — Beau­ti­ful Days Festival
  • 18th August — Open Air Fest­iv­al Switzerland
  • 20th August – Instore Ban­quet Records
  • 25th August — Moov­in Festival

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.