Angie Maserti, sing­er and song­writer from Cali­for­nia, releases her new pro­ject titled “LOVE”. The album fea­tures musi­cians Peter Escovedo, Brenden Escovedo, and Peety Escovedo and is avail­able for stream­ing and pur­chase as well as phys­ic­al cop­ies.  The ten track album is filled with enti­cing vocals over blen­ded sounds of R&B, Reg­gae, and Pop. Maserati’s heart­felt deliv­er­ance of raw emo­tion is cap­tiv­at­ing and sure to elev­ate heart rates worldwide.

Much can be said about the inspir­a­tion and cre­ation behind the album. Back in 2007 the song­stress embarked on her first trip to Italy and imme­di­ately fell in love with the people and the cul­ture. “There was some­thing about the lan­guage when spoken that thrilled me and awakened my spir­it.” Leav­ing Italy left sort of a “Cinder­ella” effect on Maser­ati and years later in NYC her fairy tale turned reality.

Maser­ati had the hon­or of meet­ing the legendary group, The Roots. They were so charmed by her energy and pas­sion for music they invited her to their show as VIP. After the show, still charmed, the group invited Maser­ati back to the record­ing stu­dio. “I was com­pletely inspired and motiv­ated, and grate­ful for the wis­dom and music tips they shared with me.” She could­n’t leave NYC without exper­i­en­cing The Boom Boom Room in SOHO. Iron­ic­ally, she met tour­ists from Rome and spent the night dan­cing and enjoy­ing the vibes. “Nev­er under­es­tim­ate the power of a moment. My love of music and fas­cin­a­tion with Italy has led to an amaz­ing music jour­ney for myself.”

Maserati’s pas­sion for Italy, it’s cul­ture, along with the cre­at­ive vibra­tions from NYC set the tone for “LOVE.” Both trips enlightened and changed her life, and she’s eager to share that exper­i­ence with the world.

Fol­low Angie Maser­ati and stream/purchase “LOVE” 

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 “LOVE” MP3  Stream “LOVE” on Spo­ti­fy  “LOVE” on iTunes


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!