New Book Release: ‘Crowns of Amara’ by A. H. Septimius


Crowns of Amara, writ­ten by author A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us, is an unflinch­ing account of power, love and dyn­ast­ic rivalry set in the ancient world. The opu­lent and treach­er­ous world of the Shaz­ari­an court is brought eleg­antly to life by tal­en­ted young writer A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us. An emotive page-turn­er, grip­ping polit­ic­al drama, and sweep­ing fantasy; Crowns of Amara is the sword-and-sor­cery tale of the year.

A grip­ping tale set in a myth­o­lo­gic­al Africa, which mas­ter­fully chal­lenges the Euro­centric paradigm in con­tem­por­ary lit­er­at­ure and announces itself as a mod­ern mas­ter­piece. Crit­ics acclaim it as an ‘East­ern’ answer to mod­ern fic­tion­al schol­ar­ship, for the first time cap­tur­ing the essence of ancient Africa with a cap­tiv­at­ing writ­ing style. In the era of Black Lives mat­ter, ‘oscarssowhite’ and heightened racial ten­sion across the globe Crowns of Amara provides crit­ics with the broad per­spect­ive required in such times.

A ground­break­ing tale of des­pot­ic empires, polit­ic­al chi­canery and pas­sion­ate love set for the first time in a myth­o­lo­gic­al land rep­res­ent­ing Africa. Not since Lord of the Rings has so com­pre­hens­ive and con­vin­cing a world been cre­ated by an author. Beneath polit­ic­al man­oeuv­ring, dyn­ast­ic rivalry, maraud­ing hordes, divine oracles, and swash­buck­ling sol­diers is a subtle story of love and fam­ily in the midst of a land approach­ing its death throes.

Eleg­antly writ­ten, by a writer steeped in his­tor­ic­al know­ledge, Crowns of Amara is an excep­tion­ally writ­ten polit­ic­al thrill­er, which is the first of its kind.

 ‘Crowns of Amara is an emotive tale which attempts to bring to life the grandeur that was ancient Africa. In an age when the splend­our of Africa is but a dis­tant memory, this his­tor­ic­al fic­tion intends to remind the world, par­tic­u­larly Africa itself, that the land was once the seat of reas­on, justice and glory.’ A. H. Septimius



The epic tale of the Negus Dyn­asty, the ‘Imper­i­al Crime Fam­ily’. ‘Crowns of Amara’ is a tale of power, love and betray­al between the great powers of the myth­ic­al con­tin­ent ancient Amara. This epic saga chron­icles the rival­ries of rulers of king­doms, in lands where civil­isa­tion first stirred, chart­ing the rise and fall of the nations with­in its bounds. The city of Shaz­aria has expan­ded its bor­ders to dom­in­ate large parts of the land, through ruth­less mil­it­ary con­quest and dupli­cit­ous polit­ic­al man­oeuv­ring. Peace finally reigns in the Empire after Sixto’s War, grant­ing the Negus fam­ily five years of tran­quil­lity to gov­ern their vast domin­ions. How­ever, age­ing Shaz­ari­an Emper­or Mansu, who has ruled for five dec­ades, unex­pec­tedly falls ill on the night the city imper­i­al palace is vis­ited by an oracle. As he lies on his deathbed; the battle for suc­ces­sion begins, threat­en­ing a return to the days of civil war. The Emperor’s son, the ‘Golden Prince’ Theo, his neph­ew, ruth­less chan­cel­lor, Lord Ratilla and his wife Thema the for­eign Empress all have claims to the ‘Lions Throne’. A war, which engulfs the Negus fam­ily, breaks out between the fac­tions, ini­ti­at­ing a sequence of events which pulls every king­dom in the entire con­tin­ent into its destruct­ive sway.

The scope of transat­lantic peri­od drama released in Europe needs to be widened, as minor­it­ies in with­in its bounds become increas­ing diver­si­fied. Crowns of Amara is inten­ded to begin to redress the lit­er­ary dearth, at a stroke. Yet, this tale of Romanesque empires, Tudor style dyn­ast­ic rival­ries, Per­sian sized armies, Egyp­tian scale grandeur, and imper­i­al com­pet­i­tion evoc­at­ive of the nine­teenth cen­tury is for all who enjoy lit­er­at­ure. This mod­ern mas­ter­piece, the first in an extens­ive series, will have an imme­di­ate and last­ing impact upon the lit­er­ary world.

About the author:

Born in Lon­don, A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us atten­ded Birk­beck Col­lege where he read His­tory whilst work­ing in the city. The eld­est of four sib­lings, A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us was reared by those whose par­ents made Eng­land their home in the Windrush era. He is author of the Crowns of Amara series the first of which, The Return Of The Oracle, is now in cir­cu­la­tion. A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us con­tin­ues to reside in Lon­don and to read His­tory at insti­tutes of high­er edu­ca­tion. Please use the con­tact details provided to get in touch with the author to arrange inter­views, leave reviews, send review cop­ies, and request meetings.

Twit­ter and Ins­tagram: @A_H_Septimius


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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.