NEW MUSIC | BOOK (@BOOKBITCH3) “SELF TITLED... Vir­gin­ia based rap­per Book releases visu­als for his latest single “Self...
NEW BOOK | My Music Is Dope, But Now What!?!: The...
Carlton Boyd and Mag­gie Tra have col­lab­or­ated on a spe­cial pro­ject to assist emer­ging artists in
New Book Release: ‘Crowns of Amara’ by A. H....
Crowns of Amara, writ­ten by author A. H. Sep­ti­mi­us, is an unflinch­ing account of power, love
Review: ‘The Classroom and the Cell,...
The Classroom and the Cell, Con­ver­sa­tions on Black Life in America. By Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marc
Review & Quotes: Assata: An Autobiography...
Assata Shakur’s auto­bi­o­graphy – first pub­lished in 1988 and newly repub­lished this year by Zed Books