Seasoned MC Omen44 releases his highly anti­cip­ated album titled ‘Hen­tai’ fea­tur­ing an élite selec­tion of Hip Hop heavy­weights includ­ing Plan­et Asia, Sky­zoo, Snow­goons, and more. Although it’s dif­fi­cult to pin­point favor­ite tracks as all 13 res­on­ate with a no-skip factor, I will men­tion “I Can See The Sun”, “Dum-Dum”, and “Eclipse.”

“I Can See The Sun” pro­duced by DJ Tomo aka Tumu, cap­tures Omen44 and Sky­zoo without any gim­micks so listen­ers can fully embrace the duo’s cap­tiv­at­ing and empower­ing jour­ney. “Suffered a thou­sand nights before I saw the sun­light”, this catchy and infec­tious hook sets the stage for Omen44 who will not “choke on his aspir­a­tions.” The bewitch­ing cadences blen­ded with smooth, soul­ful bass and drums accen­tu­ate the emo­tion from both Omen44 and Skyzoo.

“Dum-Dum” fea­tures French artist Fizzi Pizzi and the under­ground’s most wanted French pro­du­cer Kyo Ita­chi. Anoth­er old-school, head-nod clas­sic for the books! Omen44 goes in over a blend of jazz and soul cadences, smooth piano keys, and the per­fect arrange­ment of bass. His immacu­late flow depicts his lyr­ic­al style and genu­ine devout to Hip Hop cul­ture. Omen44 is push­ing pure organ­ics with no gim­micks to prove his booth pro­fes­sion reign.

Omen44 recruits Plan­et Asia and Sick­nature of Snow­goons for “Eclipse.” The track is pro­duced by Gradis Nice with scratches by DJ YOHEI. This track is pure lyr­ic­al grit delivered by Omen44 and his legendary fel­low word­smiths. “The time is now no time to doubt, fully equipped Godz be on that total eclipse.” Even dur­ing the apo­ca­lypse of 2020 (Cov­id-19) this dyn­asty pushes through on copacet­ic levels. The trippy cadences inter­twine with clas­sic NY scratches and boom-bap vibes, that height­en the eclipse.

Over­all, ‘Hen­tai’ serves as a jazzy, yet raw world-class dose of boom-bap stretch­ing from NY to LA, Tokyo to Ger­many, and Den­mark to France. Stream the album and con­nect with Omen44 on Ins­tagram and Twit­ter @omenfourfour.

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!