Not just any ordinary cookie. Vegan. Organic. Gluten Free. | KOOKIE CAT REVIEW


Intro­du­cing an organ­ic, vanilla, chocol­ate chip cook­ie made of cashews and oats. Can we please take a moment for this cre­ation, because it is one from the angels. If you’re think­ing what kind of mad vegan cre­ation is this — a cook­ie made from nuts and no dairy? Just have a bite. You’ll soon say, “Wait, if a deli­cious cook­ie can be made with just 9 ingredi­ents (all of which I actu­ally under­stand) then why are there cook­ies with ingredi­ents I can­’t even pro­nounce?!” Read­ing and under­stand­ing the ingredi­ents in your food is a lib­er­at­ing feel­ing, give it a go next time you pick up a sweet treat.

Kook­ie Cat is a vegan, glu­ten free cook­ie that was born to give people a guilt free treat — it is made with high qual­ity ingredi­ents and tons of love. Now, I must admit I was very scep­tic­al when I saw this in the store (the vegan scene has dis­s­a­poin­ted me many times when it raves about a product) but I gave it a try. Hands down one of my proudest moments.

This cook­ie had the right ratio of mois­ture, chocol­ate chips, oats, and crum­bli­ness. It was per­fec­tion and did not taste nutty at all. The por­tion size was just right and all my sweet crav­ings were gone. Savour the cook­ie, it will be gone way too soon. If you ever pass these in a shop (or make it your life mis­sion to find one) you will not be disappointed.

Kook­ie Cat comes in 4 oth­er fla­vours — Chia Lem­on, Hemp Cacao, Cacao Nibs Wal­nut and Pine­apple Orange. Those fla­vours sound slightly too exot­ic for plain old me, so I am going to stick to my vanilla chocol­ate chip.

For those that don’t feel like spend­ing more than £1 on a cook­ie — Bour­bon Creams nev­er fail to please.


Omo Eats (‘Kook­ies’)

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Omol­ade Ojo is a Nigeri­an vegan pas­sion­ate about bring­ing con­scious eat­ing and nutri­tion to the minds and hearts of all young people. Hav­ing made the trans­ition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cook­book, a page ded­ic­ated to show­cas­ing that vegan­ism is much sim­pler and access­ible than the media por­trays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ show­cases vegan product reviews, begin­ner tips and thought pro­vok­ing articles.

About Omolade Ojo

Omolade Ojo is a Nigerian vegan passionate about bringing conscious eating and nutrition to the minds and hearts of all young people. Having made the transition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cookbook, a page dedicated to showcasing that veganism is much simpler and accessible than the media portrays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ showcases vegan product reviews, beginner tips and thought provoking articles.