Knux (@KnuxNKE) ‘Rise’ Music + Lyrics

After A 2 Year Hiatus From Music, Rap­per Knux Is Back With The First Track From His Up Com­ing Pro­ject “K.N.U.X‑Files”.
Rise, A Track Based On Soci­ety In 2015 Is At Its Core A Wake Up Call To The Youth Of Today Who Are Unaware Of The Cur­rent Social Cli­mate To Learn, Uni­fy And Rise.


Rise Lyr­ics

Against all odds i’m still tryna make it

in a land where ninety per­cent have to fake it

Sur­roun­ded by oppor­tun­ity most nev­er take it

Every­one has a dream, but scared to do the basics

I ain’t giv­ing up, i’m just mak­ing my observations

Why every time we try and work theres always complications

Some­times I won­der to myself if God has lost his patience

Or is it too late to fight back from this indoctrination

Self hat­ing, Truth is, Yo…

You’re all apart of me

How we gonna make it happen

when we give away our art for free?

On to the next hustle…, No mastery

This for them back­ward broth­ers who tried laugh at me

Didn’t see the vis­ion, shudda gone to Spec-Savers

How you gonna make a change when you’re f****** spectators?

Your thought pat­terns old school cas­sette player

How we gone be free when we’re debt payer?

I just want my people to rise

and real­ise if we align

we can reach for the sky

we’ve been asleep too long

stop believ­ing the lies…..


I hear the pro­pa­ganda… but I ain’t fall­ing for that,

Ever since we’ve been born we’ve been under attack,

Looked down upon, degraded cos I was black

when the biggest crim­in­als run here and thats a fact,

Every­body envys so their search­ing for control,

Why work for some else when you can get it on your own?

Life’s unpre­dict­able you nev­er whats next,

One minute i feel depressed next minute I feel blessed

But it’s evid­ent, we’re all apart of experiments

To try and merge humans and arti­fi­cial intelligence

Media pro­mote our wrongs instead of our rights

And It prob­ably won’t change for the rest of your life…

I just want my people to rise

and real­ise if we align

we can reach for the sky

we’ve been asleep too long

stop believ­ing the lies…..



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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.

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