After a hiatus of three years, Lon­don rap­per J Hus set the scene alight recently with his single ‘It’s Crazy’ which earned him a Top 15 across the Offi­cial UK Singles Charts. If that wasn’t enough, a mere few weeks later he came with the explos­ive ‘Who Told You’ Ft. Drake which earned him the biggest first week streams of 18 mil­lion world­wide, and a #2 across the Offi­cial UK Singles Charts. The darling of UK Rap has now announced the release of his third album ‘Beau­ti­ful And Bru­tal Yard’ due for release July 14th. The album will fea­ture a stel­lar line up of col­lab­or­at­ors includ­ing Burna Boy, Pop­caan, Jorja Smith, CB, Naira Mar­ley, Villz and Boss Belly.

The last time the world would have seen Hus per­form live was in 2019 at AfroN­a­tion Por­tugal, or more recently on stage for Burna Boy’s Lon­don show. As you can ima­gine the anti­cip­a­tion is high there­fore fans would be pleased to hear the announce­ment of his tour for later this year. The tour will kick off at Dublin’s 3Arena Octo­ber 28th and end with two dates at London’s The O2 Novem­ber 5th & 6th. Full details below for presale.

Just over three years have passed since Hus released ‘Big Con­spir­acy’ – his four­teen track second album that net­ted him a BRIT Award for Best Brit­ish Male. Now more than six have gone since ‘Com­mon Sense’ turned ears and cemen­ted him as a rap champ; and in between both albums, he nabbed mul­tiple fea­tures on prize win­ning, best-selling records from some of the music industry’s most his­tor­ic artists (Dave, Skep­ta, Stormzy, Ed Sheer­an). ‘Beau­ti­ful and Bru­tal Yard’ is that long-awaited third album from Hus. Named after the patois influ­enced slang term for home, the title is a ref­er­ence to the two sides of Hus and his heart.

Magis­teri­al lead single ‘It’s Crazy’ is the album’s fierce comeback track. “Why you wanna see the evil in me / When I wanna live my life peace­fully”, he leers. Com­mand­eer­ing the spacey pro­duc­tion that builds with each verse, Hus creeps closer into view, shout­ing out Omar from ‘The Wire’, and want­ing to beef each and every one of his peers. It’s alive. Listen and close your eyes: you can almost see the spit glisten­ing against the mic, the fury in your head­phones. Sail­ing across the beat, there are instruc­tions (“I’m the farda, giv­ing orders”) and reflec­tions on how little fame mat­ters in the pur­suit for power (“I don’t care if I’m a super­star”), as Hus comes back to claim his throne against the posers with lyr­ic­al men­ace. Repeat the hook. “The dev­il in me / the demon in me”. It’s all about Hus hold­ing a mir­ror up to the world around us – a world that was flipped on its head since the release of his last album, for a whole myri­ad of reasons.

Second single ‘Who Told You’ reminds us of Hus’ unmatched tal­ent for cre­at­ing supreme shut­ting-down-the-block party music: just pic­ture your­self hold­ing a red plastic cup filled with your favour­ite drink on a hot sum­mer day in Lon­don, blast­ing out the hook “who told you bad man don’t dance / who told you gang­sters don’t dance” and step­ping into a realm where dimly lit rooms are filled with stun­ning women in tight dresses, while men exude con­fid­ence with their ‘waps’ snugly tucked at their hips — this is the energy Hus once again awards his listen­ers. But just when you think it could­n’t get any bet­ter, no oth­er than Drake emerges, and with his effort­less rap flow he hands the track the final stamp and clearly becomes the unri­valled sum­mer anthem of 2023. The long over­due col­lab­or­a­tion offered a full circle moment for these two music titans. Dur­ing his sold-out Lon­don show at the O3 aka O2 arena on April 5th 2019, Drake wel­comed Hus home in the most epic way pos­sible by invit­ing him on stage in front of 20,000 scream­ing fans — it was a truly emo­tion­al and cel­eb­rat­ory night for fans, to say the least.

For Hus, all roads lead back to the music. Look close at the album title ‘Beau­ti­ful and Bru­tal Yard’ and spot the acronym: baby. Wheth­er it’s bru­tal, beau­ti­ful or shuff­ling some­where between the two, music is Hus’ baby. On his third stu­dio album, this has nev­er been more clear and present. The stage is set. The man has many names – Uju Militer, The Farda, Ezmalay, The Ugli­est (so named after his cloth­ing brand of the same name). But there’s only one J Hus.

Beau­ti­ful And Bru­tal Yard:
1.Intro (THE GOAT)
2. Massacre
3. Who Told You (feat. Drake)
4. Mili­teri­an (feat. Naira Marley)
5. Palm Tree
6. Nice Body (feat. Jorja Smith)
7. Mas­cu­line (feat. Burna Boy)
8. Come Look
9. Cream (feat. CB)
10. Comeback (feat. Villz)
11. Ali­en Girl
12. Fresh Water/Safa Kara
13. My Baby
14. Prob­lem Fixer
15. Killy (feat. Popcaan)
16. It’s Crazy
17. Bim Bim
18. Come Gully Bun (Gam­bi­an Pres­id­ent) (feat. Boss Belly)
19. Play­ing Chess

J Hus Tour
Octo­ber 28th — Dub­lin 3Arena
Octo­ber 30th — Glas­gow OVO Hydro
Novem­ber 1st — Manchester AO Arena
Novem­ber 2nd — Birm­ing­ham Util­ita Arena
Novem­ber 5th — Lon­don The O2
Novem­ber 6th — Lon­don The O2

Album Pre-order sign up for early show access win­dow opens:
Thursday 29th June – 6pm BST — https://www.livenation.co.uk/artist-j-hus-897181
Album Pre-order sign up for early show access win­dow closes:
Monday 3rd July – 3pm BST
Pre-order presale:
Tues­day 4th July — 9am BST – Thursday 6th July 9am BST
Gen­er­al On-sale:
Thursday 6th July 10am BST

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.